I have lost all my game progress two times in two Days. Suddenly I am sent back to the first start screen with the P1… and Everything is gone.
Have anyone expericed the same thing as I?. Have anyone some advice on how to fix this?
SOrry to tell you, there is no fix. Maybe the servers being down means you can’t sync your cloud save. If that’s the case, the servers coming back up may restore your save. But this has happened to many people and the only thing you can do is start again from scratch. Yes i know it sucks, but T10 have never fixed this issue which has been present for many years. Either you start again, or you find something else to play. It’s not great, but those are your choices. Sorry dude.
…what? FM5 has only been around since November o_O
This has been an issue with Forza 4 (after cloud saves were introduced by MS) and 5. And has been an issue even for physical saves in Forza ever since they removed the ability to back up a save (to prevent hacking of saves). There needs to be a way to ‘recover’ a recent save from the cloud.
This has happened to me twice. The first time I just had to start over. The second time the cloud actually synced my game save. This was after the first or second update don’t remember for sure. Due to work being slow I had a lot of time invested in the save I lost. Good luck.
This has been going on for previous Forza’s too. That’s where the CRS came from. I ran that group for several years with a few other people like WindSweptDragon, and when people lost their profiles we would gift them cars and credits to get them going again. But Forza 5 came out with no ability to gift, and that put that option out the window. So now we can’t even help players who have been screwed by this bug which has been happening pretty much as long as Forza has been around.
They said the completely rebuilt Forza 5 for the Xbox One and that clearly isn’t true. Still the save game bugs, the sound distortions and static, the server issues. All of these things have always been a part of Forza. They just go with territory, but when you lose 9 months worth of work, it doesn’t give you any option but to start again now. I lost all my progress in Forza 3 and it was 18 months worth of work. I had one Achievement left to get which was my final championship. I was halfway through it, loaded up my game one day and boom, everything gone, including about 80 million credits belonging to the CRS. Luckily the community helped us get back on a n even keel. The community used to stick together, because the game glued us together as a group. Now there’s next to no community because we can’t help each other out, and the servers aren’t the most reliable.
It’s a shame, but it’s just the way it is. It’s why i’m not pre-ordering Forza 6 unless they make a spectacular announcement of loads of returning features, and i’ve always been a massive Forza fan. I even have a big Forza tattoo on my right shoulder. But they have hollowed this game out to it’s core features, and knackered the community aspect in the process.
I’m sorry for those of you who have lost your progress, and i really wish i could help, i have 13 million credits i’m not using right now, but as i can’t get them to you, they’ll sit here, and you’ll have to start all over again.
Just try and enjoy it, even if those first few days/weeks are a bit of a grind to get your cars back, you’ll get there eventually.
I got my progress back this morning . I deleted my local profile and resynched with the cloud save!
That’s great to hear dude. Enjoy!
I lost it again…this is not good I am really dissapointed in this game.
i lost everything to i cant get no help i know now its just not me thank you all for the heads up