[ANSWERED] Lost game save. Back to Zero. No help from T10/Microsoft

I did a hard reset on my Xbox One S last night after FM7 crashed for the 4th time in 30 mins.

When reloading the game, I was reset to zero! - Right back at the intro screen.

So today I downloaded Forza on my 2nd console to get the sync from the cloud… surprise, surprise, it was also a zero progress save.
I the contacted Microsoft support to see it they could help me get an earlier version of the cloud save to save my 100+ hours progress in this game…
Of course they couldn’t, they got me to delete and re-install my profile… All so I could sync up to the latest cloud save with… you guessed it… ZERO progress! They were very polite, but utterly useless.

I sent an email to Fred… over 12 hours ago… no reply.
I PM’ed Nitro… No reply.

What is the point of the cloud if it can’t save you in situations like this?
I won’t go on about the stability issues of the triple A game, as it has already been said by plenty of people.

But to plough 100’s of hours into a flawed game, to have it all wiped is just gut wrenching!
This would be the 4th time over the span of the Forza franchise this has happened by the way! At least before friends could send you cars and credits to ease the pain.
And with the introduction of the speciality dealer, and the randomness of the crates I am not even guaranteed to get the same cars back I lost!

So far the overall rating for this whole process is abysmal.

IS there a way to retrieve and older save?
Why not give us the option to back up our game locally so at least we only lose a day or two of gameplay for when T10 inevitably screw up our game?
I had almost given up on Forza with the joke that was FM5… Then 6 got me a little interested again. And I stupidly went all in with this version getting VIP, Car Pass etc.
Right now I would take a full refund.
But this will also be the last time T10 see any of my money until they prove they are able to deliver a GAME!

I hope this gets resolved, but if not community take heed!
Don’t waste best part of a day contacting Microsoft as they can’t / won’t do squat.
Don’t for the love of gaming waste any more of your cash on these corporate bandits who can’t care less about its player base.

I will keep you updated on the (lack of) progress.

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if you send an email to forzafb@microsoft.com along with your gamertag and the problem you’ve got, they should be able to restore a previous save. They managed to restore one for me at least.

Since when? Turn 10 cannot touch either the local game save or that in The Cloud.

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When did you PM Nitro and Emailed Fred who ?


While I appreciate your feedback on the matter, emails are about a day behind due to the other people who email us with their own issues.
Our team is also in the United States, so our hours are a bit different than yours.
We are answering emails in the order that they were received and I have about 200+ pm’s in my inbox that I am also answering in the order they were received.

I am not sure who Fred is so I cannot say why he has or has not answered you. No one named Fred works here.

Marking Answered and locking. We will be in touch via email when we have more information.

Thank you,