So i’ve enjoyed playing Motorsport series for a long time now, and i’m mostly commenting single player here, not multiplayer.
The problem i have with newest Forza Motorsport is that it feels “empty” and it doesn’t have a soul.
I would like to list few things i would love to see on next installment. I’m no gamemaker, but i try to stay realistic.
Core gameplay
The physics feels good and doesn’t need any major changes in my opinion.
The ai needs some work tho still, ai drivers can Be really messy and as The race goes on they still form these slower clumps behind.
The carsounds i would love to be bit more dramatic, they can be very underwhelming in bigger engine cars.
Story/singleplayer mode
It feels very empty and shallow, i think this needs major updates to make it feel like real events and it needs complexity. For example:
Maybe add some sponsors you get from good racing, add their stickers to your car to gain lower prices of stuff.
Some small cutscenes even would go a long way to bring some feel to the scene.
This is a big thing to many of us. I hated to see the shaking spoilers for example to be taken away.
I would love to see it again and add to it, shaking exhaust, maybe crashed bodywork could shake a bit and Even make a small scrathing noices. It makes The cars feel so much more realistic and not just a moving blocks.
Small details is everything, add on customization, Even small things like taping over headlights,different exhaust tips, small bodywork adds like adding colour for small parts.
Maybe add an option to close/open roof before race in convertibles If it’s possible. We love these small details in games like this, the freedom and variety is super important.
One bit crazier thought
Maybe add a optional hub kinda thing where you can cruise/drift/just mess around a bit in small part of a City/some industrial place where would be your garage, paintshop, bodyworkshop etc.
In your garage i would love to walk around with multiple of your cars on display, next to them could be The distance you have driven with them, some major events you have driven with them etc. To Make these cars have some feeling and story.
In a nutshell i hate to see this game going more shallow experience, we love The simulation aspect, but adding a lot of small details and personality would add so much.
You have almost a perfect base, now please make it to have a rich small detail layer on top of it and it will succeed like never before.