so, we have short and medium races all the time…why no long race, after 4 month, not even a try…sad! I bet im not alone with it…all this hot lapping content…when the field finaly sorted…its over…i think the races become less agressiv when they are longer!
You are definitely not alone, @Wiltern
Agree. By logic since they have Short and Medium, there should be an option for long in there to be used. But sometimes logic and this game don’t mesh.
All that said I think the community needs a long option in the multiplayer hoppers.
I definitely love the idea of long races it would take a lot of people out of that particular online event because the real racers want to race like that and you got the trash people that just want to crash you wanted to do the short little events so they can get to the next race and crash someone else and I think they should put simulation on so that would be a deterrent to a lot of players that don’t want to waste their 30 minutes of practice qualifying just the wreck their self I think that will kind of self police it not 100%, but it would at least weed out a lot of the players I just was turned 10 would do a lot more about these people ramming people pitting them doing all that nonsense after you spend a lot of money on this game and waiting for 4 years for it to come out and have time it doesn’t work now it’s gotten about 70% better but now you got to deal with all the idiots even in the s-class safety rating that doesn’t mean nothing I think they need a better system especially when you get wrecked and you get the penalty penalty systems really whack if they would serve band in people that potentially wreck people then we would have a better pool of racers that enjoy racing hard and not wrecking someone just to get a win I rather lose her race and raise clean then when one by spending someone out
The option does exist, when setting up a Free Play or Private Multiplayer race it’s possible to select a preset of short/medium/long races.
I don’t think this would be different for the setup of the Featured Multiplayer races setup.
The only reason I can possible think of that would make long races ever so slightly not doable is that it won’t be possible to instantly jump into another race when you’re done. Currently when finishing a medium length race you have the option to jump into the next race with about 5 minutes left to join the next event. With long races this wouldn’t align with the schedule anymore.
But is it really that bad to join a lobby with more practice time?
A related suggestion (although this one focuses on Forza GT):
Be sure to vote on it and let T10 know why you wish to see this!
Besides the penalty system and the grind the race length is an absolute joke.
Short should be around 10 laps, medium 15-20 laps and long around 30 laps. Is this a racing game or menu player to get to the next activity?
They should do something like,
Short Race / 25 min practice
Medium Race / 20 min practice
Long Race / 15 min practice
And After a long race, have the possibility to choose around the next 2 races