Long Race Length

Anyone else feel the “long race length” is too long? Lol . I’m about to do a race on the Circuit of the Americas. I find the standard length of 3 is too short, I make no money at all! However if I step it up to long, its 7 laps! I don’t think I have time for 7 laps of the full circuit… It don’t feel it should be twice as long… maybe 1.5? Super long being 20 laps in unheard of I don’t think I’ll ever do that. Anyways… Anyone else feel that maybe double laps for the next setting is a bit extreme?

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You are joking, right?
7 laps is about 17 minutes?
And you find that extreme?
I think you are better of with Horizon.

Just did 50 laps Le Mans and I loved it.


get off your high horse and keep your underhanded comments to yourself. Not all of us have the time to spend 17 minutes on each race. I get to play maybe once a week and 17-20 minutes is too much time to try to progress through the career. Don’t get me wrong, I enjoy doing 10-12 laps or more, i just don’t have the time to commit to lengthy races.


Exactly!! Not sure how many of these people actually have jobs? Is it really so much to ask to just have a slider for length added? Everyones losing their mind over this but it makes perfect sense.

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Sorry, but then you need to buy NFS, Mario Kart, Horizon 3,…


okay, thanks, putting this game down and hitting up some MX vs ATV Supercross Encore

Long is about right i think. 15 mins a race on average. Plus you learn the tracks better that way rather than just getting intothe rhythem and then it ends

I wouldnt mind seeing something in between, with that being said I’ve done the career on long race length on Pro and made a ton of money; 100k+ per race with mods.

How long is a piece of string? :slight_smile:

For achievements I did Standard, for the ones I couldn’t get 1st place I did Long, for CR/XP I do Extra Long

Ever sat down and watched an Endurance Race. 20 laps at COTA too much? IMSA’s Lonestar Lemans race at COTA this past season was only a 6 hour race.

24 Hours of Le Mans is 24 hours.
I never saw a 3 lap F1 or WEC race. :wink:


Indeed. Many long races out there. I just used Lonestar Lemans as an example since he mentioned COTA. Rolex 24 at Daytona, 12 Hours at Sebring. 24 Hours at Nurbering. Plenty of excellent endurance races to watch out there. I play them on youtube while racing just to have something going on in the background.

Long being double or more the Standard length might be a bit much if it’s putting you off increasing from Standard length. If 1.5x the Standard lap counts would help you get into longer races, then it’s a good suggestion.

I would not miss the 2x-3x lap counts if Long became 1.5x. I do Extra Long almost all the time, and Standard for those races I want to cycle through quickly. I’ve done Long a few times, but I usually found it too long for my cycle-through-the-showcases sessions and too short for my settle-in-and-race sessions.

The Endurance Showcase races would also benefit from 1.5x race length. I loved doing Spa and Le Mans, and would likely have chosen 1.5x length, but did not choose Long length.

Nice. I also do that. :slight_smile:


I think long is just about perfect. It might have been nice to have another option at 12 laps because I’d be more likely to do that than 20, but I’ve had a few 7 lap races where I’ve caught the leader at the finish line…and one where I lost by 1/2 a car length. But I’ve found it challenging at that length without the pressure of having to get to the top 5 by turn 1. And most races with VIP and mods net 120-130k.

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After about the first week, I have done every race on the Extra Long setting. These are usually between 50 - 60 minutes or so. This gives me plenty of time to get to 1st place without taking part in the 1st corner demolition derby and gives a very good payout.

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Not me, I race very long if I like the series. Standard if its off road vehicles. Long isn’t even in the middle of the other settings.
Occasionally I am forced to choose long if time is to short with my 2-3 hours a week of gameplay. It might just take me the full 2 years to finish career mode this go around!

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I don’t think the “long” races are long enough

Personally I think the long races should be classed as medium races as they r too short to be long. There’s a massive gap between “long” 7 laps and extra long 25-30 laps. As it stands now std should be called short, long should be called medium, a new long should be created at around 15 laps n extra long can stay as it is.


Extra long is about 3X the distance of long, and long is about 3X the length of standard. I do feel there should be two more options that fit in the middle of those gaps but long race length is fantastic IMO. There’s no reason why there can’t be five race length options instead of three. But there is also free play in which any race length can be selected if you don’t mind resetting the setup between every race.

Personally I would like to use quickstop in career mode too. Force one pit stop on long and two on extra long. They were my favorite addition to FM6 and have been underutilized so far in 7.

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