as there are no notes out that I can find I’ll try and remember to list anything I notice here, and if anyone else puts anything here I’ll add it
- Backstage - “Your Passes” now shows in correct place
- Backstage - no new cars (existing car list remains)
- Backstage - Backstage Passes are offered as rewards but might not actually be given
- Playlist - now broken, 100% is no longer possible (94% is maximum for seasons and series, this is a “won’t fix or by design” thing dated after the last update)
- Adventure - ranked drift and games aren’t working (racing seems fine)
Unfortunately they forget to update the point system without photo challenge and in this manner it is impossible to reach the 100% in current season and I gues also in the next.
This could be the reason for me to stop to play FH4
Max, can you report this issue to PGG to correct it?
I really hope that the game gets at least one more major update before it enters EOL status.
The following issue is really problematic:
" * Crash - PC - When entering a Speed Zone or Drift zone players games will crash"
I still can complete challenges involving speed and drift zones, by playing FH4 via cloud gaming. But my Game Pass Ultimate subscription runs out in July, and right now, i am not planning to pay for the Game Pass Ultimate again before October or November.
And what will happen to the showcase remixes, once FH4 has reached end-of-life status? It would be nice if we could get an option to select and play all of the various showcase remixes, once the last seasonal playlist has concluded.
I also would appreciate if Playground would be more open and wouldn’t wait until the very last minute, before they tell us, what will happen to FH4 once the game has reached EOL. I know, the servers will still be up for years to come and that is great. But again, for example, what will happen to the showcase remixes?
Sorry for “hijacking” this thread, but as of right now, i thought that what i had to write, doesn’t merit its own thread.
Not that is really that important, but it would be nice if i could actually reach the highest explorer rank/ level. I mean, if they really cared, they could add one last “farewell” event/race, as a thank you to the community. Maybe? Probably too much to ask for.
I am SO happy that I collected all the backstage cars before this update. I even have 2 spare backstage passes. It seems they’re not going to do that anymore. Kinda sad to see this game heading towards EOL status. It’s a great game! I was hoping for better seasonal car rewards but I’ve seen them all before
Hello, I want ask you, have you read or found anything , how to reach 100% in the current season.
Unfortunately it is not possible because in the current season they have removed photo challenge but they forgot to update the point system and therefore if you complete all possible activities in season you are short for some point to reach 100%
hopefully we get Backstage Passes in the next season. or is this the final Season?
not the final season, think they’re just repeating old stuff, which is essentially what they were doing anyway but now there’s even less input
Feels like the final series with the way they seem to have abandoned the last couple seasons. It’s all on cruise control with no one behind the wheel. I haven’t even felt like playing this season so I think it is the final season for me at least. Last one out of the garage turn off the lights.
(…apologies for wandering off topic)
That’s what I think too. I was hoping to add a few missing cars to my garage but that’s not going to happen
Just some more cars I already have. I guess I’ll sell them and save up a little until a missing car pops up in the Auction House.
I suspect they’ll recycle old things so seeing something you’re missing might happen soon enough. The only problem is if they do what they do in Motorsport 7 where they cycle about a dozen items, not the full “catalogue” (making assumptions about PGG and T10 being similar here).
The game will have a big sale this September, right before the EoL. I think the game will be about 20 dollars.
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I do own The Ultimate Edition of FH4. The problem is, that with the normal PC version the game crashes in Drift- and Speedzones. If i play the game via cloud gaming (gamepass subscription needed) it works just fine and won’t crash. That is the big difference.
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Oh, sorry, I misunderstood you.
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Will I still be able to play it when it enters “end of life” stage?
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If you have bought the full version of Forza Horizon 4 (Standard, Deluxe or Ultimate), then yes, of course, you will still be able to play Forza Horizon 4.
If you play FH4 via gamepass only, then look out for any future announcements.
As an example, here is what the had to say about Forza Motorsport 7:
Good. I have the standard edition on Steam.
I don’t even know what gamepass is.
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I’m still updating this - anyone else noticed anything?
I haven’t been able to do ranked drift since the update. Just says finding a session and never does. I try unranked drift and I’m in a full lobby in seconds. Ranked team and FFA load in a few minutes. I don’t think they have any/enough server resources for ranked drift sessions. Or I’m pushing the button wrong.
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I never find games adventure, either, just permanently finding something. Not that I like games but I’m rank 16, be a (very) minor thing to get to rank 20. Racing seems to work okay as you say. I’ll add a note.