List of "things" in April 2022 update

Did anyone get a Backstage Pass this series? I just went past 50% and got the on-screen message when I clicked on the Playlist tile but the number of passes I had before that was 8 and it was still 8 after. I’ve lost quite a few passes from this kind of thing.

I wasn’t terribly interested in chasing a Backstage Pass when no fresh cars are entering the list (own all currently on offer, and 16 passes left that seem useless now) so I’m not there yet, didn’t intend to bother, but, out of curiosity I’ll grind away at it a bit and let you know when I get there, for the research value lol

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Likewise, since I picked up the game (year and half or two years back ?). I just figured I came to it late and the feature was dead. And quit trying it after a while.

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I was depending on new cars showing up Backstage in order to complete my collection. Now all I have is a ton of useless passes and depression.


Neither the series 50% nor winter 50% backstage passes were awarded to me. Anyone reading this receive an extra pass?

Hmm. Just “completed” enough for Series backstage pass, got notice it was awarded but it did not increase my total in the Backstage. Wonderful. Depending of course on IF the things still have any value or use. They don’t for me unless things change but it sucks if others might still get some use out of them.

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I am kind of recalling a previous issue with backstage passes not being tallied when earned and think I lost a couple (or a few ?) then too. Could they have, when they reset the game, reset the bugs too ?

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I’ve regularly not received backstage passes over the months I’ve played. I don’t recall the last time I did get one, the run of not getting one is older than the last game update.

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i recieved the Season 50% pass (went from 0 to 1). i’ll see if i get the Festival 50% next week when the spring season starts (46% Festival Season completed).

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thanks - maybe it’s because I have some left over, I’ve altered the wording

So, for what it’s worth, Winter backstage pass earned, granted, awarded, etc. but NOT actually added to total, still stuck at 16. That’s 2 lost this series.

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That’s really unlucky.
I’m thankful, 2 passes for me.

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@MR_T5654 wonder if this is related; I had 8, @Not_Here_Too had 16 - how many did you have before doing anything this series?

I got mine too. I have 3 now (I already have all the cars)

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all rather odd; maybe it doesn’t award a pass if it’s a repeated event and it got won first time around - safe to assume we’re not going to get told by the developers how it functions and it isn’t going to get fixed

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I had zero before this series. 2 now.

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does seem that those who have lower numbers are more likely to receive these passes, I had 8 before and 8 after, Not_Here_Too had 16 before and after

No new passes for me, started with 16 and still at 16. I did series 36 that this one is copied from. Also 3 months in a row now with same monthly ranked rewards.

Maybe you won’t get them if you already won them in that season before. Kind of makes sense but then again, you do win the cars so it also makes no sense, which makes sense again

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