I skipped FM7 because Turn 10 took out the narration in ForzaVista, really loved all the little facts about the manufacturer or the individual car I was looking at. I had hoped that would make a return in FM 2023 and possibly be even more in depth, but it didn’t.
What is in the game is an extremely limited version of ForzaVista compared to earlier titles and every car is cast half in shadow because of the way the lighting was designed.
When I climb into the driver’s seat, or passenger seat, I can barely make out any of the interior details, everything is dark.
Would love to see this get fixed, possibly add different showrooms with better lighting.
I know it might seem trivial, but ForzaVista is one of my favorite aspects to the Forza series and really helped it stand out against other racing games.
The cars are too dark in the parts / customisation and painting menus in my opinion, making the rims look wierd (almost like theyre made of a shiny plastic), and making it really difficult to judge the actual color that
s being applied when painting.
I would like to see either the cars be lit better in these menus, or maybe give us an option that we can toggle through to change the intensity of the lighting, to simulate different lighting conditions when on track, and allow us to have a better idea of how the different colors wil actually look (for example I tried to paint an R34 what I thought was going to be a vary dark purple with a subtle brighter shine to it, only to find that in direct sinlight it is a vary vibrant purple instead)
I’d be happy if they just used the same assets from FH5, they also made specialty paints have two separate menus for base and specialty color options.
Agreed, I couldn’t believe the new menu space for ForzaVista has (partially) poorer visibility than garage from FM7. Alternative environments would be welcomed, especially ability to look at cars on race tracks.
I would love this, awesome ray tracing falls a bit flat without good lighting in the studio.
There even seems to be a prompt for “lighting” when pressing the right stick or something in the painting menu, but it does nothing. They may have thought about it, but not realised that it is broken.
lighting is horrible.
so i’ve been painting in fh5 instead but then im up against the import not working (not seeing newest liveries/over 500 saves) so i create a vinyl for each side. cant import that directly (excessive saves bug). so i load them to a car that is importable.
cumbersome workaround but better than FM paint booth
I had many problems with the darkness in FM2023’s livery editor until I upgraded my mid-range Samsung QLED TV to a higher-range LG OLED TV with a greater HDR range. That’s not a reasonable expectation for people to get past this issue.
It would be nice if the vacant lighting option menu received something along the lines of “Daylight” (the equivalent of noon in-race lighting with a road texture beneath) and “Photo Studio” (white floor, white walls, flooded with diffused/bounced light).
I don’t know if this is lighting-related, but is anyone else finding that HSV values from the web translate poorly to FM2023 compared to FH5?
It is difficult to see the cars clear. The showroom where you can change the wheels/rims or the body parts needs more light/brightness.
And it would bei nice if you can see the whole car from the side when you select new wheels.
A freecam in the tuning menu would be nice like in FH5.
Update 7 includes brighter lighting in customization and tuning menus:
Please comment about whether this change satisfies your request the lighting in these menus.