Terribly lit paint area

Why would they have us paint in such a terribly lit area? Now I have to keep going back and forth from track to paint to see if the color I want is accurate,at the very least add some lights when we select the paint option or better yet actually put us in a paint booth.


Seriously, I’ve messed with my monitor’s settings and I still can’t figure out if I’m painting a car light grey or pearl white. Too dark

100% agree! That paint room is terrible! Really, there should be different lighting options that we can scroll through, so we can get better looks at what we are working on.
Bad paintbooth, no storefront, unstable (game crashed 3 times plus killed my console another time), COMPLETE RIP OFF of us VIP’s, stupid “Call of Duty” crate system, terrible economics which make it take too long to earn enough to buy a car… easily the worst Forza ever. FM5 was pretty stripped down since the first go on the One, but this is inexcusable. Poor design decisions coupled with greed. (Bad economics and Ripping of VIP’s done to make people more likely to pay more real money for tokens. Forza has been my favorite game series (Tier 11, almost to 12) but I am seriously considering calling Microsoft to see if I can get my money back, and canceling my Xbox One X, and finally giving in and follow my old gaming buddies to PlayStation.
Man, this is terrible. I’m super mad, sad and disappointed! :frowning:

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