Lighting - Cars’ exterior lighting lack brightness, glow and reflection

I have grown tired of the moderators closing posts when so much time and research has been put into the topics I’ve created about FM’s problem with visual fidelity and lighting.

For the sake of this franchise and for the FORZA fans to remain hopeful, I’m creating a separate post here to illustrate the issue with cars’ exterior lighting in FM.

The taillights and headlights lack the depth, brightness, luminance and glow of IRL lighting. This was not an issue in prior games with FH5 nailing most of the cars’ exterior lighting.

If there is anything left to salvage and fix this game, please fix and solve the exterior lighting flaw and correct the visuals fidelity problems on all vehicles in FM. At least turn around and work on the promise you made for this game’s graphical quality!

Hmm, are you playing on an HDR display? The first thing I noticed in this game was the delightful glow and luminance around both tail lights and headlights. It’s far better than FM7 and thank God the white/pink brake lights from FH5 did not make a comeback!

Yes I did. The eyes do not deceive in the case of the “new” FM. While the pinkish hue is rightly absent, the headlights and taillights simply do not have the luminance and glow of IRL lamps. It’s very dim, flat and static. A LOT of the newer cars shared between FH5 and FM have significantly more realistic and detailed lighting in the former!

Is this on PC or console? Looks much better with lighting and textures than on my Series X on RT

Holy cow fh5 makes this game look like trash.

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