Legend status.

The elusive legendary status is a thing many racers want and many never achieve but this is not about achieving the legend status or the ridiculous buy outs in the AH this is about something else.

When playing FH3 I see so many legend tuners and painters that are really bad at what they’re meant be good at, so my point is that do people download these tunes and designs just based on the players status?

I want to see the legendary status return in future games but I think it would be better if it was a thing that only you can see and not everyone, yeah some painters and tuners would lose out on a whole load of downloads but it would give the people that are not legend status a chance at having someone download there tune.

I think the star rating for each individual tune and paint is flawed, everything from downloads to uses boosts the star, regardless of weather it’s actually good so I feel like you should be able to dislike a tune, we get the option to like a tune so why not dislike and before people say that gamers will repeatedly dislike other peoples tunes you could have a cap on it so that you can only dislike a tune or paint once.

I know none of this will change in FH3 and me writing this a waste of time but hopefully some of you guys will agree and we can see change in the next Horizon.

Also I think the AH is just so bad, I recently seen one of the PTG guys putting up cars for really cheap and I respect what he’s doing but thats not really helping, all that’s gonna happen is legend painters are gonna buy the cars and re sell them for a much higher price, nobody seems to be looking out for the small guy on games anymore, it’s all about the big gamers and paying to win these days.

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