Keep the extended night time, please!

The team at Playground Games has listened to the community and has extended the night time in FH5. And for that we as the community are very grateful to them.

However it is set to only last for the current series update. It would be amazing if Playground Games was to keep the current extended night time as the game time feels so much more balanced, and this has been something the community has been longing for.

Not all of the community is happy with the extended nighttime. I have difficulty with nighttime driving in real life, and have never enjoyed it in the game. Please devs, keep this extended nighttime for this series only, as I already can’t wait for the series to be over because of it.


Custom servers is the only way people will be happy in my opinion.

Always night, always day, more day less night, more night less day, police chases, drifting etc.

Others games have them.


I request the devs to make the night time permanent. At-least increase it from previous if not as big as this one for a smooth balance. Mexico is so pretty in moonlight !


Not all of the community is happy with the extended nighttime. Please devs, keep this extended nighttime for this series only, as I already can’t wait for the series to be over because of it.


I really like the extended night time, the very short nights were way too short.I like to drive through the canyon at night, with Sniff And Tears, Driver Seat playing.

I found the speeded up light process from the beginning rubbish, you can see the sky getting lighter really fast, it looks so unreal.


Then vote for it, talking here does nothing.

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Please, NO!!! I really do not like night driving in this game, and would absolutely hate it if this extended night becomes permanent.


If only they could make it selectable to please everybody. Options to set the cycle maybe from full night to full day or anywhere in between as a slider. But we’d probably end up with a bug that makes the sun go nova and evaporate the planet.

As for more night, is it really so bad ? We’re not asking for a fair 50/50 split, just something more than the few minutes an hour. If you can’t stand the night driving just park up for a few and grab a beverage :slight_smile:


You can keep the extended night but please remove the neons. Or at least give us an option to turn it off.

I’m all for the longer nights. Its made the game far more enjoyable (even though the game itself is empty to all heck and still needs a lot of patching done to it, but has someone that enjoys driving about, racing and whatnot at night. The new update can stay.

If anyone of the folk in the comments having a full on meltdown over this… Have you ever played NFS Underground 1 and 2, Carbon etc?

No. I hate the extended nighttime in the game and I want this series to be over and the extended nighttime to be over with it. End of discussion

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They remove it already, even if the poll stays that over 74% of the players voted for the longer night to stay. And let’s not talk about the daytime duration poll. What a joke

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I love the nighttime. Please keep it! It is great for pretend street races or head to heads. It also brings out the lights on the cars and shows details that are hidden in the daylight.

Since the game’s launch, the night-time lasted for 2 minutes before the sunrise.
Then since series 19 to 43 the night-time was extended and lasted for solid half an hour (Or enough to complete 1.5 laps around the map before the sunrise)
But since Series 43 ended, the night-time reverted back to lasting only 2 minutes.
Please revert the change and make the night-time last for longer, as it did during the period of series 19 to 43.