New to the forza series, (230+) hrs so far so not that new anymore I must say I love this game with a passion… With that said I’m just wondering why is it when I google the forza 4 car list there are soooo many cars compared to what we have right now. Most cars that are on forza 5 where on 4. Don’t get me wrong I really have no room to gripe given that it isn’t so bad for the new forza players due to the fact that we don’t know what we lost and as a car pass/VIP owner month after month we are only gaining. I would like a honest opinion, not “to take our money” as to why there are less cars…for ex. Are the graphics that much better that 500+ cars wouldn’t have room…is tuning and handling that much more improved? Is it rivals and keeping everyone’s lap time on demand replay or play against…?
New platform,new car modeling,much improved physics.
New game on a new system and T10 threw out most of the old car models the used in previous games. The rescanned cars and tracks in order too achieve the level of detail and accuracy they were looking for. As you can see this is the best looking Forza yet as it should be and it just takes a while for them too model each car. If you check out the news section or search youtube you can read or watch the videos where Turn 10 explains the process.
That makes sense Rex, Thank you max, that really is a great explanation, like I said I don’t have 4 but a few months ago I purchased gt 5 for Gits and giggles because it had such a large selection of cars and I must say…what a waste of money lol…it is a horrible game even tho it has like a million cars. After 3 hrs of installing I played it for 4 minutes with the new c7 and since then iv attempted to sell it for as low as 5 dollars with no luck… Thanks for your reply fellas
Thanks rabbit, I read about it thanks to max but I’ll look for it on you tube, but with that said do those of you who played forza 4 and now play 5 see a difference in the same cars other then graphics?? Do they handle better or more realistic??
There is undoubtedly an improvement in graphic detail. The new physics is an improvement of some magnitude although I think it has a few minor quirks. You need to spend a bot of time setting up your controller for best results IMHO… The biggest change I found was the sound which for the most part is terrific. A couple of cars sound truly duff but otherwise crank it up! Whatever it’s shortcomings it’s still worth every single penny I have paid and no mistake.
The sound of the cars are pretty amazing, and 130 dollars for the entire package is a small fee to pay for all the hours iv ha fun with the game…to put in perspective I am coming up on 50 cents a hour which is worth it for sure. The game looks sounds and handles amazing…looking forward to all the future car packs.