Is this ruining your online race experience?

Picture yourself are running a close race for the place you are in. You are trading places with someone and putting pressure on each other. Your competition is clean going into the last turn of Long Beach full on the second to last lap. You make the turn and both cars accelerate hard out the corner. You notice a third car or suv suddenly accelerating that was sitting by the corner. Just before the 2nd turn the third car or suv rams you into the barricade. Now you have dropped several places and the race is no longer fun. This could be any track or any lap of a race.

I dont know what drivers that do this get out of it but its extremely rare to enter a public lobby and not have at least one person doing this. Now Turn 10 has added the ability to report these drivers for unsporting behavior by pressing on their gamercard and selecting report, typing a message and sending it in. We also have the option to block the player. While this is good, the process takes too long. Sometimes it runs into the start of the next race. Also there is no way to attach a video for supporting your claim. Cause really anyone can report someone but, that does not make the report factual.

For example, I was in a race where I was 2nd on Prague and catching first place. On the second to last lap a player name “Aidan Wulky” repeatedly crashed and spun me out because I told him I would report him after the first time he spun me out. He was in last place and not racing at all. Just runnung the lead cars off the track. I got 2nd to last or so. I did report him and thought I had saved the replay. Apparently the timer ran out just before I could save the replay to post and show how ridiculous it was.

Turn 10, thank you for a great game but, please do something about players like this. This small fraction of players ruin the lobby for other players.
A few suggestions:
Require less people to kick someone from a lobby. Perhaps 20-25% of the lobby.
Automatically kick a player from a lobby If another player has blocked them after reporting them for negative behavior and was logged into the lobby first.
Provide a way to attach a replay to a complaint.
Start handing out 3 Day or one week bans for repeat offenders.

I do race with friends and enjoy private lobbies. I also like to meet and race against new people. Especially those that are faster than I am.

Save the replay, Block/report them. After that reach out to some one on here or with t10 to have them view the replay.

Then repeat this with the next person.

I have been doing this and its been working out great.

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What he said.

It might take time but save the replay using the in game option. This will allow someone viewing the replay to switch to the player in question.

How can you prove it’s working? You might avoid those on your blocking list but they’re still out there causing carnage in everyone else’s lobby.

This does nothing apart from tricking yourself into believing you’ve made a difference. None of the people I have reported have been removed, and I still get dropped into lobbies with those I’ve blocked. By all means we can convince ourselves we’re doing our bit to affect change but in reality the ‘process’ only exists to placate us as T10 simply doesn’t care.

It’s like the car wish list thread, it only exists to shut us up and put everything into one place.

On Fm4 there was an actual dedicated person/team that did take these reports seriously, I’m yet to see the same on Fm5.

Well i cant prove it on the forum but i have reached out to t10 guys and have gotten responses back from them saying that they have been handled and if it happens again to send them more videos.

So with that said it does work i promise you that. Just reach out to people on here with the video in hand saved and ready to be watched.

Also the crash team does exist for forza 5.

I always got a chuckle when I would see somebody coming at me head-on in the no-collision lobby. Made me think of the guy from Kids in the Hall going “I’m crushing your head, I’m crushing your head”.


Just make sure the saved replay is easy to find. without numbers, symbols, etc.

Crucian4 You have a PM on this site, please read it.


I’ll save a replay and mention in my report that I’ve saved and uploaded the replay. I assume the people who get the message have Forza available to them to get to it.

This is, without a doubt, extremely frustrating and a definite deal breaker for most who wish to experience the online racing aspects of this game. Unfortunately, there is just no way for Turn 10 to ever keep on top of the issue and, for racing games in general, the intentional havoc is unlikely to ever end.

The best thing you can do is report accordingly and hope for the best. Who knows? You just might catch the individual who ruined your experience throwing the usual tantrum on the forums and you can subtly grin knowing you did your part to help clean things up, if only by a little bit.

All of that considered, look into creating a friends list of likeminded and courteous drivers who you can meet up with for some private lobby action. This is, and forever will be, the easiest way to have better control of the action and it results in some rather memorable moments.

I was racing earlier tonight and had a guy that launched like a rocket off the start line, took out the leader in the first corner (myself) and then quit immediately. Needless to say that race was over for me. I will start to save replays now as well.

I’m far from a perfect racer, I bump and spin guys occasionally but not meaningfully, it happens. But I can’t stand guys barrelling into a turn with no intent to slow down.

I haven’t raced online since Forza 3 because of this. I have better things to do than waste time dealing with that kind of semi-human detritus.

Some people are dirty. To them the beauty of their dirt is that they don’t have to read these threads. They however, get to cause us to waste time by creating these threads. The fact that they caused you any inconvenience at all is enough for them.

no, not ruining my fun. sure it sucks yeah.
but i go online knowing that there are people out there that do this childish behavior, and when it happens i get mad sure, but i dont retaliate i just keep on racing and hope for the best.

I say who cares what if it was an accident sometimes kids play and all you guys want to do is be mad and they might not be good at racing games. This is not real life who cares about stats game is a game and always will be just for fun not a job or real thing. Its not like your car is totalled permanently suck it up and have fun i ran into people on accident on drifting but they dont care becuz they might be still first or they know its just a game what a waste of topic. Get a real car and race.

Ummm i care because i want to race. I bought this system only for Forza 5. I dont want to get wrecked so i have been doing what i can do to try and clean it up. I normally end up wasting 1hr a day watching videos of me getting wrecked to see if it was on prupose or not. If it was steps are taken and if not then no further action will happen. I have no problem taking 1hr out of my day because i know others are doing the same thing and if we keep working on these dirty racers we will gradually clean it up. You are free to have your opinion but i personally would like to race clean throughout the hoppers as much as possible.

You know what would take care of this. Run the lobbies like they were in forza 1. Back then you could create and host a public lobby. Anyone could join so you got a chance to meet new people and when you got that one jerk in the room the host could boot them. Public lobbies in forza 5 are horrible and it has ruined a great game. I cant even play online and have fun any more and that really sucks.