NO Storefront.
NO Forza rewards.
I am sad.
Same Problems here
Turn 10 Studios already made an anouncement about the end of life-status atleast for FM 3 couple of years ago; where they mentioned that they have to shut down the servers which were set up for the FM 3 auction house & maybe that was the same situation for FM 4 at the same time or a bit later.
That’s why we also won’t have the chance to earn any new or additional credit- or vehicle-rewards from the Forza rewards page anymore.
Dead? No. Stagnate? Close. Only 25000 new players in the last 6 months.
Here is a challenge. Knock me out of the top 1000 (i’m 959 as at Feb2020 with a combined time of 216hr50min19sec - I don’t have Benchmark or Sidewinder either) in the Circuit Leaderboard. I really shouldn’t be there with some of my slow times (but classified!). We need to use what we have or lose it.
Circuit - 959 - 216hr50min19sec
Drag - 1293 - 13:52:542
Drift - 334075 - 167392
Oval - 591 - 54:37.138
P2P - 215 - 24hr19min37sec
Go on. Race ya!