So I completed the Track Toys Cup event yesterday. Immediately I noticed that my Ginetta G40 Junior seemed quiet. In fact, I could mostly hear the engines of other cars, even when they were a turn or two away.
Weird. Over and over I was missing my shift points, because I couldn’t hear my engine note as a cue to shift. Passing under even a small tunnel or overhead structure I get a huge spike of echo sounds. The engine sound was there, just so quiet as to be lost in the noise of other distant cars, or tunnel echos.
Same situation on every race in that Cup.
Did anyone else notice this? I’m on XBox Series S.
It was the same in the last of the races I did in the Formula 70s series before the weekly reset, I believe it’s a wholesale change made as part of Update 8 and not a car-specific one (might just be multiplayer though, haven’t done any SP races yet)