Is it the car, or the driver???

How u guys such high tier I cant seem to get higher im stuck

keep racing. do the career including the bonus laps. by the time you need a car you’ll have the money to buy it. you’ll get alot of achievments and badges that way as well as becomming a better driver. learn to drive without an auto transmissin or assisted breaking. it’ll make you much faster. by the time you are done with career jump online and start getting medals there. do some rivals and freeplay to get money to buy cars. download tunes. you aren’t stuck, you only have 400 points. you’ll get 10 points a day for playing. you get points for achievments. you get points for buying cars. you get points for your first 150 driver levels, etc…

unless you mean forum ranks. then its all post count. keep posting and eventually you move up.

this is a bit off topic but , play more forza the teirs are tied to your forza achievments for each game