I lost it all

i now you may have a lot of work to do but i swear this case is different, i bought forza motorsport 5 limited edition when it first appeared on the market ( 80€ ) then i bought the car pass ( 35€ i think ) the thing is that i was level 70 and had like 4.000.000 game money and like 1350 tokens when one day it said me it didn’t syncronized so i called microsoft, no one could help me, now, after microsoft told me they couldn’t do anything more i tried one last time and it seemed it was going to work ( i was excited because it is my favorite game ) but it didn’t, instead my game began again from 0 so i have nothing saved, i called microsoft again and they say they can do nothing and I am so disappointed, no one can help me i lost all i did in one year and need help, i had so many cars all of them personalized, so much time expended in that. If only you could bring me back my money and my level it would be something, i understand giving me back all the cars the way a had them is impossible but my money, my tokens and my level have to be possible, there must be a way,

thank you very much for your attention, i hope you can help me solve this disaster,



I can only hope if you loved this game that much that you’ve made sure you have the proper account and can make it back up to 70.

The money should be easy with forza hub and regular play and you can buy accelerators to speed up the process if you wish. As long as you didn’t abandon your account you should be able to get all your perks in account management or the xbox one store add-ons page.

Keep driving. All is not lost.