I am out too!! Good luck with it.

I’m not out but I can see the canvas, both Xbox One S and PC have have become unplayable with my G920 wheel. The PC was great until the patch, then crashes and wheel useless, so then I started on Xbox, fiddled around with the settings, very good until last night it crashed during a race at Mt Panorama, would not run again til this morning, now the wheel wobbles and I’m flat out turning a car around a corner, still the same settings as the night before.
I love the game but it’s driving me crazy.

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On the PC version and the release of the patch, I had stated on the forum here somewhere that it was at least 80 better(using genuine Xbox controller) still had the occasional crash but I could go 3-5 hours between them. The only thing I noticed as far as a timeline was on a restart of PC MS had the customary pop-up blue screen - please wait while configuring your PC do not turn off but there was no % indicator and was over as quick as I read it. It has been a dog’s breakfast since IMO

Heck, if I recall correctly people were throwing a hissy and calling it quits over the Hot Wheels expansion. Internet communities love melodramatic outrage.


Ain’t that the truth. It doesn’t matter what game you follow, half the forum if you go there will be a mess of complaints and wishlists.


There will always be people that will say they’re quitting, but even you have to agree that FM7 has more complaints than usual and a lot of them are for valid reasons i.e. technical issues or poor design choices.


I don’t remember this volume of people bailing on Forza 3 or 4. There’s always a few who have grown bored of the franchise, but this is something different.


people are mad because of how different this game is and the really bad decisions and changes that were made to fm7…for instance: (instances)
only 1 home area where as games like fm6 had 2…fm4 even had a home space outside which was beautiful
funky graphical issues like when looking at rims or tires on a car the car looks all warped and weird
customization options removed like white letter tires that were in fh3, and new body kits only being on forza edition cars…infh3 you could put body kits on the regular version of a forza edition cars…not here
the car models are the same as they were in fm4 look at the 77 mustang for proof…there are many other examples for bad modeling…like how balloony muscle car tires look…
the fact you cant buy the car you want…like the 73 trans am (one of my favorites personally). it has to be won through prize crates or forzathons or special dealer…
prize crates…dumbest idea in a racing game ever.
driver gear…why? you cant be seen in your car with tinted windows…so why driver gear? kinda cool idea overall but game resourses could of been better used elsewhere…
TURN 10 NOT COMMUNICATING…this is one of the biggest things makin people mad,for obvious reasons.
these are just some of the underlying issues that ive seen personally and im not even gonna start on multiplayer…the game feels unfinished…i truly hope these and other issues are resolved and we hear something from turn 10…ive been a huge forza fan for many years…and so far this is leaving a bad taste in mine and fans mouths.

please turn 10…we dont want to hate. we want communication and maybe a roadmap to fixes.
we’ll see what happens after the true launch of forza 7…when xb1x hits…heres hoping


This 100000000% this

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sarcasm off* , on a serious note we all know the game has some issues atm and it will get improved over time for sure , and i understand peoples frustrations but are these kinds of post necessary ?
I mean they add nothing but drama and hate . If you dont feel like waiting for t10 to fix some things in the coming weeks or months then just refund the game if you just want to give up on it . Its simple as that .


I am sorry , but are you unable to comprehend what is going on? People are rightly upset and this is one of the few avenues to vent that justified frustration in hopes that Turn 10 hears from the community what is going on and the ramifications of changes that have been made to a series that people care deeply about as well as the numerous issues and bugs with this game. Yes posts like this are necessary, unless you would like an echo chamber of nothing but positive post about what a great job turn 10 has done with Forza 7. He is a paying customer and has every right to post what he thinks and how he feels. Are we supposed to notice you by your juvenile response to his post? You seem to be the one “HERE TO EXPRESS MYSELF IN A DRAMATIC FASHION”


Ok im the one beeing juvenile am i ? people venting their frustrations and then saying “this game is junk” (quoted from op) “im leaving” are two different things completely .
And im not defending t10 at all , im on pc and have my own share of issues . Feedback good or bad is needed but these kinds of posts get us nowhere because there is nothing more to it than hate and drama . Thats my stance on the matter . You misunderstood me completely , im aware of whats going on , but saying little more than just “im quitting , this game is junk” actually provides the feedback the team needs to hear from us and not hate .
Hating and saying im leaving is not providing feedback and does not contribute to making the game improve .

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Don’t care about the changes since T10 develop the game it really is up to them what direction they take, obviously listening to their core base is a good way to go. I did enjoy jumping in stock standard cars in different classes and there is no shortage of cars, tracks etc. If expecting a game to stay open long enough to complete a reasonable length race is chucking a hissy fit then yeah I am having a hissy fit. The fact is the game itself has been quitting on me since day one and there is no enjoyment heading into each and every race not thinking about the opponents or keeping the line but with every little glitch or twitch at the forefront of your mind is will it pull through is not a game but a disaster. If others are willing to settle for this then fine. If we have to wait months for the fix then only a fool would preorder anything because there is no benefit at all. I don’t think anyone expects a release to be totally bug-free and perfect but for a lot of us, it is barely usable.


Forza 7 was the first game I’ve ever pre-ordered and I decided to go all in on the super duper wallet emptying edition… Never again (that is a rock solid promise). What I received was at best a game in alpha. The amount of bugs is quite frankly astonishing. Within 2 minutes my thoughts had gone from excitement to “how was this not caught in testing?” Turn10 did indeed respond to the mountains of bug reports and hate on the forums and calmed our nerves by pretty much announcing “don’t worry lads and lasses, we’ve patched the game and fixed the money glitches and exploits… back to the grind” Wow, thanks. A little bit of advice for Turncoat10… in future Test it, then test it again… and finally, test that shizzle again because your game is appalling.


Thank you for your participation.

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