Multiplayer disgrace :-(

…I’ve got a bug-log 8 paragraphs long at this point.

This game is such a catastrophe, crashing every 3 races or so in multiplayer, that I think I’ll just put it away and play Assetto Corsa or PJ2 instead.
Bye bye, T10. You’ve gotten my cash for far long enough.
It’s painfully obvious that T10 is coasting on rep… A rapidly diminishing rep.


See ya

Not really a support post is it

Why so snyde?
I’ve supported T10 for almost 10 years.
Evidently this support has resulted in a huge slap in the face.

Bottom Line: They didn’t take the time to beta-test adequetly - and so they just dumped the game onto the public a month ago, ridden with bugs.
How on earth is my or your “support” going to to “fix” THAT much carelessness. genius?
All the Stockholm Syndrome in the world from your end won’t change any of the (obvious) facts.

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why not just post your issues like everyone else instead of a pointless thread saying you’re leaving…
why not post your 8 paragraph “bug” log

at tier 4 you don’t appear to have supported much at all, you can get tier 4 in about 1 or 2 weeks on a new gamertag

I’m playing on both PC and Xbone without barely an issue

ever thought that part of the issues are on your end as well

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I hate people like you that think you’re better than someone because you’re a higher tier in the forums all it proves you’re a xbox fan boy all you play is a game that wants to be a sim but it’s not even close to a sim. The op is right about this game it should be called forza motersport 7 beta because that’s what is at the moment. i have played all the forzas on friends xboxs over the years but it was not that good and it was not worth me buying a xbox just for forza . i’ve been gaming on pc since my high schools years back in 2002 but i did not buy a real gaming pc until 2013 i have gotten used to pc car games 98% of the races i was in was a clean racing. i was happy when i found forza 6 apex it left a good taste and i was like pc needed a car game like forza or gran turismo because there was none. i was hyped when forza h3 came to pc it was a big let down the bugs i did not mind the bugs because it was their first time porting to pc but the most part of the let down was the xbox community and how toxic the xbox community is when you’re talking to another person with a pc

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I believe the OP is fed up, as am I. I’m frustrating at the multiplayer right now, crashing every few races is a disgrace. Many of the same issues that were in (and fixed) in Forza 6 are now again present. There is no excuse for this. From the end race time in multi class, and starting faster cars first, to allowing previously banned vehicles into the A class hopper. It’s as though a new team made FM7 and everyday is their first day at work. Totally feel his frustration, and seeing as how there are so many issues Turn10 can’t speak to every one of them, or fix them all fast enough to stop the flood of bad complaints and refunds. A shame really, can’t believe they have fallen so far behind the benchmark that was FM4…

Yeah it’s annoying but in a couple of months all will be fine.

… I hope…


There are worse things guys… I am not able to lunch the game at all , anytime crashes on spash screen with porche… I could normally lunch and play demo of FM7

lets talk about fm7 problems

1 mem leak is still there there after two weeks and two patches
2 patches once a week is not good this stuff needs to be fixed like a week ago not another week away or next month
3 online i get 3 to 6 races before it crashes
4 online its not based on skill it is luck based aka ramming on the first and second corner or at the end of the race the person wants you’re spot so they ram you off the track. one easy fix put damage on public lobbies.
5 can’t turn down mic on pc so everyone does not hear my back ground noise
6 i paid $140 for a beta game this game was rushed
7 prize creates they don’t give you locked cars even if you paid $300k
8 locked cars from a triple aaa game what a new low from the devs
9 the devs keep us in the dark when there is problems with the game they don’t saying anything or say they know there is a problem and we are working on a fix
10 you pay 300k for a prize create and get cars worth less than 100k
11 cant sell the driver suits i don’t want or have more than one of
12 the vip pass if i knew before i brought the game that the vip was limited thing i would not brought the vip pass
13 the pre load problems i wasted nearly 380gb of 400gb in 4 days and what did yous say wait until it unlocks then download the game wait people couldn’t download the game even a week after release
14 the saving bug i left it for 2 hours after i put new rims on the car and it was still saving
15 the online public lobbies what the where is the rest of the lobbies
16 coming soon stuff the auction house that should be there day one

the good things about fm7
1 very good single player game when it doesn’t crash
2 online mp Homologation Car Divisions

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okay talby, you asked for it
(pros included, too. i’m not here to piss and moan)


[This writing dated early Oct. 2017, within the first Month of general release.
I am running: standard/basic F7 disc running on a basic XB One w/ larger HDD, thrustmaster TX wheel]

  • Handling.

Drifts and slides are more realistic, if still somewhat 'jam-it-in-and-go, yeehaw!'in the subtlety dept. There’s a better feeling of progressive loss and regain of grip while sliding - it is particularly enjoyable when driving rear-engine cars, and in a prpoerly setup AWD when in the wet.

Tire models are better than before, if still very simplistic. There needs to be a distinction between wet and dry tires of the differing grades. obviously, this gets into pit strategy detailing. But if you’re going to introduce dynamic weather AND run longer races as well, then you’re going to run into this problem.

While mitigated some in general, there is still the tendency for too much understeer when racing with STM engaged. I’d really appreciate progressive degrees of STM over all or nothing, please! Conversely, the manic oversteer present in some cars (old RWDs, C7 vette etc) has been toned down.

  • Rendering of Environs and Track Selection (mixed bag)

Rio used to look like an eye-assaulting mess in F6, but is now much better sorted in 7. Maple Valley and the Nordschleife are both gorgeous. The new Dubai road-course is kind of dull. Daytona and Indy look pretty much the same; which is to say forgettable. And I REALLY, REALLY miss Fujimi Kaido. Tarmac rally is some of the most intense racing known to man imho, and any semblance of hill-climb has been sorely absent in Forza for several releases now.
I never cared one whit for car-bowling at the Top Gear test track, drag-racing, nor Truck-racing. Leave that crap to the SuperMarioKarts and various arcade games of the world.

  • Car Models

Ahhh, no more down-rezzed hood/bonnet that’s always crapping on 1/4 of the screen. Thank you, Turn10. A rather minor yet ever-present gripe is now a thing of the past. In-cockpit view of geare-shifting animation used to be better; it has been somehow gimped for no apparent reason (coding constraints, I’d imagine).

Specific Omissions/Additions/Redundancies:

  • An N/A Corvette (other than the same C5 Z06 everytime) newer than 1970 would be appreciated.

  • Why a handful of Toyota trucks and NASCARs are included, but nothing else Toyota is, is a shame. It’s practically a “Neener, neener - here have THIS crap! haha” sort of “inclusion”. No Lexus, either. The game needs the Supra(s), the LFA, the MR2(s) & the MR-S, the AE-86, GT2000, early Corolla rally car(s) and later Celica stage rallier(s), and on and on…yeah, grumble, grumble :slight_smile:

  • Progress through career mode makes for some very odd restrictions. e’g’ IRL I can walk into a Ford dealer and test drive and buy a Fiesta ST the same day, no problem. In Forza 7 after a couple days I’m in Tier 4 , and have unlocked ability to purchase a class-homolgated 2017 GT. But I’m locked out of the FiestaST for no apparent reason whatsoever. It’s also been made into a bloody Tier2 car, when it should be Tier1 by any measure of sanity. It’s like the cheapest new car in the game haha! I simply inquired about a test drive online concerning several local specimens, and I received a deluge of callbacks from several dealers every day for the better part of a month after it.



  • Engine Sounds (mixed bag)

Mostly an improvement, with noticeably more detail in some cars’ exhaust note. Still, little in the suggestion of intake plenum, valve-train, throttlebody, damping, springs(other than the ‘clunk’ of bottoming out), gear-whine or the like. Also, any car should get at least TWICE as noisy as soon as you upgrade to Race Weight, due to the removal of all insulation.

  • Multiplayer Madness.

If the game doesn’t crash itself first(!), other players will ‘crash’ into you regardless. Yes, there are custom lobbies - but why do we need to use them just to have a shot at a decent race? Default multiplayer STILL encourages dim-witted ramming and all manner of [Mod Edit - Abbreviated profanity, profanity and profanity that is disguised but still alludes to the words are not permitted - D]. (Never mind that IRL a smashed-up radiator will lead to a DNF) Fancy yourself a Gentleman Driver in your relaxation video-gaming down-time? Well, too bad, coot. Times have changed. Manners are passe - or at the least to be discouraged, and ADD is where it’s at - according to Turn10.
Obviously, 1 in 8 or so games are fun enough to make me still care. But I can do without the game crashing itself every few games, consistently. Halo 3 multiplayer is about all that I’ve played much multiplayer of otherwise, and that almost never crashed on XB360, and was almost ten years ago.

XBox Live changed my user name spontaneously one day about 2 years ago, and it’s been doing strange things ever since. My name was originally ‘RectalFinder123’, which lasted about a week or so after I bought Forza 6 to play online. My name was inexplicably changed to ‘WierTapestryxxxx’ and I lost the ability to share liveries. Any attempt to edit my username is now met with a $10 requirement(i.e. a ransom)…[Mod Edit - Abbreviated profanity, profanity and profanity that is disguised but still alludes to the words are not permitted - D]

  • Supremely Idiotic A.I.

Perhaps the worst aspect of the game, overall. Clean driving is not rewarded or reciprocated, as far as I can tell. It seems to be worse than ever. What is encouraged in multiplayer is amplified here. In higher difficulty modes the constant middle-of-grid positioning ensures that in all but a few tracks you MUST perform Disqualifying-style maneuvers in order to get podium. But you’re lucky if space ever opens up: Instead of ramming the tail-car from behind after hard braking, they do it at the FRONT of the pack so that ALL of the cars are slowed (or worse); and they do this in nearly every race[Mod Edit - Abbreviated profanity, profanity and profanity that is disguised but still alludes to the words are not permitted - D]. The A.I. does not bump-and-run, no - it DIGS into your car mid-sweeper and then proceeds to attempt to PLOW you until you’re both turned around and in the weeds. Sheer lunacy of the not-fun-at-all sort! It’s hard to imagine how the conversations during production concerning the A.I. went down - or if it even went down (let alone ‘up’), at all.

  • Understeer on RWD cars.

Stability control does not have to mean that a car loses all balance and must plow off the road during (even moderate) sweepers.
Steering a Cayman GT4 in the rain should not require absolute adherance to the line combined with overexaggerated slip-angle flicks just to get any resemblance of on-throttle oversteer. [Mod Edit - Abbreviated profanity, profanity and profanity that is disguised but still alludes to the words are not permitted - D].

  • All-or-nothing and ‘Easy/Arcade Mode’ Assists.

Many real-life race cars and some road cars now have variable degrees of nannying on offer instead of only on/off. I would greatly appreciate it if STM would ONLY try to catch me when the tail of the car is beginning to accelerate laterally at an excess of a certain threshold ratio in comparison to the rotaional inertia at the front of the car.

  • Updates and Bugs

The game is fine, and has always been - that is, to just jump in and “race” casually. That’s ~some~ of the intended market. But t10’s spotty record of addressing concerns relating to multiplayer is eroding customer confidence. They are feilding not only the systemic ‘game of too many hats’ bloat, they’ve got ire from return customers re: microtransactions and game structure, while facing mounting competition from ProjectCars2 and Assetto Corsa. This means that t10 can’t rest on their laurels so much as they’ve been able to in the past.
I appreciate that I can now load up a track in FreePlay and then try out different It is nice, for one - that in F7’s FreePlay mode one can now select cars a la ‘informal OEM/division-tuned evaluation track-day, bro’ without having to without having to re-load the dang track each time I switch cars. No idea who else might have also requested it, but I DID put it in the lead of my Amazon review of F6.

During replay in FreePlay, taking a photo requires using the D-pad controller to take a decent photo. Unfortunately this screws up the TX’s wheel inputs when photo-taking and replay is over, and any racing attempts to resume. Adding further to the minor aggro, this requires a full power-off and reboot to restore the wheel.

[log: OCTOCER 10, 2017]

Oh, JOY :frowning:
A 67.03 GB update is required to be downloaded from t10; crashes the game start-up until you do download it. “…back to the XBone home screen fer ye lubbers! Now go sit in a corner for the next half hour while we execute what we didn’t attend to before selling this game to you.”


I am not even going very far into the myriad of buggy code and crash occurences. I don’t play many video games; mostly just Racing Sims(forza, project cars, assetto corsa, dirt rally, loeb rally etc) and SKATE 2&3. And I have decades of experience elsewhere from Atari to Mac, Amiga, designing games on 386/486 PCs, on through PS1 and OG Xbox. But this F7 on XBOne is by far the buggiest game I’ve ever payed full price for.
Look, when I buy a game or for that matter a console, it should JUST WORK as a self-contained unit. THAT IS WHY THE CONSOLE EXISTS in the first place - to avoid futzing with computer settings and any other crap that distracts from just gaming…PERIOD.
There is no ‘but’, nor exception to, no amount of marketing-speak - no ignoring this fundamental observation - without inviting peril. I will only be a sucker so many times before you stop getting my money, so push The Half-Baked Lubber for A Quick Buck at your own risk, geniuses.

  • Livery Editor is buggy

Get a little bit involved, and that design that you’ve just spent the last half-hour or more on can go ‘poof!’. It’s happened to me more than once, when I’ve forgotten to manually save it in time. It also fails to Share any of my designs with the Forza community; a bug present since F6 that is more related to my microsoft account; but still a bug.


i couldn’t have said it better