Uninstalling.... am done!.... till a REAL update is done

ill just wait until they fix the game for it to reward us correctly for spending our time and effort turning in circle 50 times playing their game. and to not making us waste 1h time doing 50ish laps “no not on very easy”
and either skipping the reward window or for a gimpy 870 credits

u put 700 cars in your game… u giving me no rewards “or like 400 credits” almost no xp.

no matter what cars we choose to play should be rewardable

wake up. i understand you try to make the game realistic but make the reward fun.

anyway. now i understand all the complaints about this game. i should of waited and not trust them a 3rd time. felt for it again

making xbox space for the upcoming Need for speed.

so see you when the game is worth playing (that means like 2 years) Peace out!


Just like my thread got locked, I’m sure yours will too because they don’t like the truth. They will just say “Thanks for sharing” aaaannnddd locked. Except I wasn’t kidding when I said I’ve had enough of T10, doubt they will fix anything till after Xbox one X release. I’ll see ya on the next car racing game that see this opportunity to take the spot light from Forza, Just like Forza did with Gran Turismo.


And you need to work on your paintbrush skills. Seriously.

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I’m kinda curious what else is on your HD that makes you uninstall Forza in favor of NFS…


Uninstalling says all that needs to be said.

Keep an eye on the Tech Support forum for content update notes and feel free to come back when you’re ready.