How to complete the "Happy new year" accolade?

Wait until lunar newyear :blush: i would guess around 22jan

So weā€™re at lunar new yearā€¦ still not seeing any lanterns.

Maybe after the season update on Thursday?

Fingers crossedā€¦ this is one of the half dozen or so accolades I have outstanding.

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I remeber i was wondering the same last year :blush: im pretty sure its on its way.

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Thanks! I think they celebrate for weeks in China, so it may not be that odd. But I definitely feel like them indicating itā€™s lunar new year would save them some hassle every solar new yearā€¦ :smile: (not holding my breath on that)

ā€œFebruary 5: Lantern festival

The highlight of the whole Spring Festival happens on the 15th and final day (February 5 in 2023).

In ancient Chinese society, it was the only day when young girls were allowed to go out to admire the lanterns and meet boys. As a result, itā€™s also been dubbed Chinese Valentineā€™s Day.

Nowadays, cities worldwide still put on massive lantern displays and fairs on the festivalā€™s final day.ā€

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And unsurprisingly, the whole January series ended, after 22nd nothing appeared related to Lunar New Year, and now the new series started and, obviously, nothing in this one around Guanajuato either.



Iā€™m hoping that itā€™s at some point in this series.

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So r we not going to have another chance to complete this

Uhh, I guess next December/January?

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Sadly, what they meant was the other accolade, for breaking lanterns. Not for visiting Guanajuato.

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I was gonna wait until Thursday (Winter season), and then log a ticket. They probably donā€™t care, but if thatā€™s legit the only way to communicate with developers then so be it.

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Ticket logged.


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Thanks. I missed that.

ā€œSo I guess justā€¦ wait a year and hope they remember next year? Pinky promise?ā€



Nope. The ā€œwonā€™t fix/by designā€ list is the place bugs go to retire, not die. And there they will live out the rest of the gameā€™s life in ease, secure in the knowledge they are entirely safe.

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I guess Iā€™ll try to get all the accolades except that one?

I mean, I figured that if they were willing to let the ā€œcompletionistā€ accolade be broken for a year post release, then all normal scales are going to be wonky. At least that one finally got fixed.

I could of course be wrong and/or that is the one to break the rule to prove it. I wish you and everyone else needing it luck in them fixing it :+1:

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Can it be completed via Event Lab or Super 7 event?
