How long is the Indy challenge?

Does anyone know how long the Indy challenge is going to be?

I’ve been doing some math and here are some of the number I came up with.

Let’s assume the race is going to be 500 miles which is 200 laps on the Indy oval.

I’ve tuned an Indy car to be good on the oval. When I have it tuned for the fastest lap I can do, it becomes hard to control. I have a comfortable tune that I can do laps in without having a fear I’m going to crash into the wall exiting every turn. In this comfortable tuning set up, I ran 20 laps with 9 drivatars. Depending on traffic my fastest lap was 41.8 and the slowest was 44.4.

When I consider slow laps of 45 seconds, the race takes 9,000 seconds or 2.5 hours for 500 miles. I think this is a reasonable upper limit for the race.

When I consider fast laps of 42 seconds, the race takes 8,400 seconds or 2 hours and 20 minutes. I think it is possible to do this but that involves maintaining focus on the race for a long time.

When I consider very fast laps of 40 seconds, the race takes 8,000 seconds or 2 hours 13 minutes and 20 seconds. This is possible but not probable. I can’t imagine maintaining one’s focus for that long to do the race this quickly but there are probably a couple of people who can.

Lets assume the race ends when the first person completes 500 miles. You need to go 375 miles to receive the reward. How fast must you drive to get the medal.

If the race lasts 2.5 hours, you need to average 150 mph or lap times of 60 seconds. This is easy.

If the race lasts 2 hours and 20 minutes, you need an average speed of 160.7 mph or lap times of 56 second. I think this is easy to. The only issue I can see is getting tired.

If the race last 2 hours and 13 minutes and 20 seconds, you need an average speed of 168.75 mph or lap times of 53.3 seconds. This seems relatively easy to do.

If the race was limited to 2 hours like the Long Beach Grand Prix challenge, you would need to average 187.5 mph or 48 second laps. This might prove challenging due to fatigue after 2 hours or driving in a boring oval.

Does anybody know how the race is going to be set up?

So far, all we know is what the challenge description says: “Complete a race in the Indianapolis 500 Hopper and drive 375 miles in the event”.

I assume that means that if we finish 375 miles or more, we get the achievement. Whether or not those 375 miles need to be before the fastest driver drives 500 miles or if there’s a fixed time, we’ll just have to wait and see.

there is a tune named 38 seconds for the chevy. it runs 39s, hotlapping i haven’t got it under 39 yet. its easy to drive until the tires get worn which takes over 80 laps. its repetitive so it dosn’t really require much focus. the hardest part will probably be staying awake. if drafting you might be able to get it below 38 easily. my average is well above 187 with that tune. the minimum is above 200. you’ll have to pit 3 times but a little over 2 hours should be about right. never drafted in the car but with a drafting partner you might even squeek in a 2 hours or under for 500 miles.

get the yellow chevy and look for 38 second tune. like i said i’ve never drafted with it but it should let you finish the race easily even if you are just hotlapping it.


I am aware of what the description said. That is what I based by calculations on. I was hoping someone knew where there was some more information about the challenge. I may have missed something on the website or some other announcement.


I will check out the 38 second tune. I haven’t found any fast tune to be very comfortable to drive. They always seem easy to make a mistake and go into a wall. I balance my tunes for speed and ease of avoiding obstacles.

I don’t think 2 hours is possible. That would require an average lap speed of 36 seconds. I don’t think that is possible even with drafting. There is also the problem of traffic and endurance. I think averaging 40 seconds a lap is about the best we can expect.

the tune is very good. slightly lift off the gas going into turn one when you 1st start. the rest of the track you run flat out. its very stable. if your line is very good you can even run turn 1 flat out. its the only corner where you have to stay on line. if you turn on the suggested line you’ll see it go red for about 50 feet or so. as long as you can stay on or inside that line you’ll be fine. but in traffic another car might be on the line, slow enough to pass them on the inside or you’ll scrape the wall. if its a no damage race you’ll be fine even scrubbing the wall. even with damage on you’ll scrub the wall more than hit it, its more about losing speed than disableing your car. the other 3 corners you can run even outside the line without sliding up into the wall. go to half throttle for half a second into turn 1 and you’ll be fine. at the end of the race you wont be lifting anywhere unless you have excessive tire wear. i tried to get the run out of gas achievment and ran the tires off at about lap 87. still didn’t run out of gas. your tines will grip until they get over 95% damaged.

36 seconds is about 3 seconds faster than me hotlapping and i’m not in the top 200. i think with a good drafting partner you might pick up those 3 seconds. any turn other than 1 you can easily pass on the outside. even slow traffic dosn’t seem to be a problem. if you do 50 laps in free play it takes a little over 30 minuets, but you are lapping 2nd place on unbeatable 3-4 times.

I have a tune that works for both DW12 chassis that can run 38:581, but I could never replicate it out of test drive. I’m number 31 on the Leaderboards and have put a lot of time on Indy, my setup is very stable and consistently quick if you follow the proper line…38:7’s-38:9’s. I doubt they’ll put simulation damage on so no worries on that, as for time, do a 50 lap race in free mode and do the math. On a good run with a few mistakes I can run 50 laps in around 33min, 200 laps roughly 135 min. If the badge/achievement is for 375 miles then we will probably have a 2 hour limit, it’s fairly similar to the Long Beach challenge I assume. I plan on running it a few times between Monaco and Indy when It opens up, so hit me up if you want to race with me.


I’ll check our your tuning set up too. Doing the race in 135 minutes means averaging a little over 40 seconds a lap. I can see that but I remember Long Beach. A little over an hour into the race people starting making mistakes. I got rammed from behind when someone missed a turn. He apologized later and I understand what happened. I also missed a few turns. People are going to grow tired and accidents will occur. I don’t know when I plan to do the race. I’ll let you know when I decide.


The description of the tune sounds like how I run the course with my set up. I still don’t see a 36 second lap as being possible. I really can’t see averaging 36 second laps being possible for 200 laps.

I hope the race is more than 2 hours. I can’t see completing 500 miles. It is call the Indy 500 hopper. A time length of 2 hours and 20 minutes would be better. I suspect someone in the race would complete 500 miles before then. The race should then end 30 seconds after that happens. The 2.4 hours D’endurance will be 2 hours and 24 minutes long if they follow the name (which should be named 2.4 heures d’endurance).

I have tested in freeplay and averaged 39.8 over 20 laps on my cleanest run through traffic. Other runs were over 40 due to difficulties clearing traffic.

One thing I will suggest is practice. I was surprised at how quickly I caught up the last few hundred yards when lapping cars. I caused a few prangs on my early runs.


I was testing various tuning setups last and I agree that practice is essential. I found a tune up I liked. I ran it for 50 laps. As I got better at using the setup, my lap times went down. I ended the night with my fastest lap is 1.4 seconds quicker than when I started.

If you can average 39.8 seconds a lap for 500 miles, the race will still take 2 hours, 12 minutes and 40 seconds. I still believe if the race is 500 miles, it will take about 2 hours and 15 minutes to run.


I think I found the tune up you mentioned. It is remarkable similar in behavior to my fast setup. I find it easy to bump into walls with minor consequences. I can consistently turn fast laps. I think I can do the 500 miles in under 2 hours and 20 minutes with the setup.

Just wondering if anyone will be making any pit stops during the race?
Too bad there is no realistic tire wear and fuel consumption.


Is 50 Laps not the Highest that you can Drive??

50 laps is the highest you can do in free play and I guess private match. This will be a two hour (my guess) online endurance race at the Indy Oval. They had a similar race last month when they had a two hour online race at Long Beach.

If I remember correctly, the long beach grand prix event was 2 hours, as many laps as you could do in that time

I would assume this would be similar to the Sebring hopper in that there would be simulation damage and thus a need to pit.
It will be a custom hopper. T10 can set it to as many laps or as long of a time as they want.

I sincerely hope there is NOT simulation damage. The likelihood of contact is too high at this track in my opinion.

JimB3, I’ll share a stock rim and dub rim tune for the #12 Penske Chevy and the #9 Andretti Honda. The Chevy is up right now and the Honda will be up tonight when I get to it. If the rules are for full stock, including bodywork, I can get a tune up for that too. If they do run Sim damage, half the field will pit before the first lap is completed ( happened to me in the Sebring race), but won overall. I’ll be a bit upset if they do run Sim, especially in a full random lobby, cause it’ll be wreck fest every time you pass someone/trolls.
Most of Saturday I’ll be gone, but all day Friday and most of Sunday I’ll be down to run it a few times. Just shoot a message my way, anybody who wants, and we’ll join a lobby together and have some good clean racing. The dub rims are good for 3 tenths on Indy and have no real affect on tire wear, but you do feel the weight a bit in the corners.

I did some more practicing. I did a 50 lap race on the Indy oval with 3 drivatars. I completed the race in 34 minutes and 7.5 seconds. I did this with one spin out and hitting the infield grass twice. If I can maintain the same speed, I would complete a 500 mile race in 2 hours 16 minutes and 30 seconds. This means I averaged about 41 seconds per lap.

I still believe if the race is 500 miles, the winner will finish the race in about 2 hours and 15 minutes.

I also hope there is NOT simulated damage. Having simulated damage would only encourage wreckers. I liked how the Long Beach Grand Prix was set up.

I ran another 50 lap race but with 5 drivatars this time. I completed the race in 34 minutes 59.25 seconds. Why did this take longer? I think the extra drivatars were the issue. I time my passing of drivatars. Once I got the timing wrong and had to slow down to avoid causing a major collision. It took another half lap to catch up again. This timing usually costs me between 1 and 2 seconds on the lap. Sometimes it works out correctly and it costs me no extra time. I also had one accident coming out of turn 4. I hit the wall and spun. I almost went into the pits. I think that cost me 10 to 15 seconds. These incidents were my fault.

There was one other big incident. I passed a drivatar on the inside on turn 1. It entered the turn late and I saw the inside was open. I stayed inside the entire turn. Near the exit of the turn, the drivatar cut to the inside for no reason I can think of. I ending up spinning several times and ending up on the infield of turn 2. Trying to get back on the course from there is a nightmare, the inner track and grass are like tar. Of course, the drivatar kept control of his car. I ended up do a lap of 58 something. I can see accidents like this happening during the hopper event.

If I averaged the same speed in the hopper event, I would complete the race in 2 hours 19 minutes and 58 seconds.

Tonight I practice with 7 drivatars.

I have been looking around for tunes and found one by Bob Dixon 76. It gets off the line well, is the most stable I have found through turn 1 and I am running 39.0s on a clear track without really trying.

I checked and its on all the indycars and is called Indy 500.

A lot of the tunes don’t get off the line well but this one does (I tested without clutch).

I’ve tried this tune as well, and it’s a nice one. I run in the 39s no problem with a controller, and I’m not a good driver by any means. The curious thing about this tune is that I get almost the same times regardless if I run in 4th, 5th, or 6th gear. And the brakes are not noticeable.