Does anyone know how long the Indy challenge is going to be?
I’ve been doing some math and here are some of the number I came up with.
Let’s assume the race is going to be 500 miles which is 200 laps on the Indy oval.
I’ve tuned an Indy car to be good on the oval. When I have it tuned for the fastest lap I can do, it becomes hard to control. I have a comfortable tune that I can do laps in without having a fear I’m going to crash into the wall exiting every turn. In this comfortable tuning set up, I ran 20 laps with 9 drivatars. Depending on traffic my fastest lap was 41.8 and the slowest was 44.4.
When I consider slow laps of 45 seconds, the race takes 9,000 seconds or 2.5 hours for 500 miles. I think this is a reasonable upper limit for the race.
When I consider fast laps of 42 seconds, the race takes 8,400 seconds or 2 hours and 20 minutes. I think it is possible to do this but that involves maintaining focus on the race for a long time.
When I consider very fast laps of 40 seconds, the race takes 8,000 seconds or 2 hours 13 minutes and 20 seconds. This is possible but not probable. I can’t imagine maintaining one’s focus for that long to do the race this quickly but there are probably a couple of people who can.
Lets assume the race ends when the first person completes 500 miles. You need to go 375 miles to receive the reward. How fast must you drive to get the medal.
If the race lasts 2.5 hours, you need to average 150 mph or lap times of 60 seconds. This is easy.
If the race lasts 2 hours and 20 minutes, you need an average speed of 160.7 mph or lap times of 56 second. I think this is easy to. The only issue I can see is getting tired.
If the race last 2 hours and 13 minutes and 20 seconds, you need an average speed of 168.75 mph or lap times of 53.3 seconds. This seems relatively easy to do.
If the race was limited to 2 hours like the Long Beach Grand Prix challenge, you would need to average 187.5 mph or 48 second laps. This might prove challenging due to fatigue after 2 hours or driving in a boring oval.
Does anybody know how the race is going to be set up?