Indy 500 hopper

What happened to the Indy 500 hopper? Yesterday the countdown was one day. Today it jumped to 14 days. So what happened?


Maybe T10 decided to postpone it while they fix the lobby countdown timer and the lap times in the race …


the original race event is on may 24th, perhaps one reason :wink:

the original race event is on may 24th, perhaps one reason :wink:

Yeah the Indy GP is this weekend. I would have loved that event too. But I’ll take what I can get

The reason they delayed it is because I need more time to tweak my tune :wink:

A left-banked tune that allows for rubberbanding your controller?

Although I do understand the need/want for this lobby, it’s on the same weekend as the Monaco F1…

Problem easily solved with this,

Play Forza 5, “Xbox Snap TV” get to channel you want to watch, go to Indy500 hopper, play Indy500 hopper, have fun and do two things at once :slight_smile:

I should check dates.

Well they shouldn’t have started the Grand Prix of Monte Carlo on the same day as the INDY 500 (1929), should they?


I guess I should pay more attention to both. Endurance racing is where my racing passion lies.

Well this sucks, I was all ready to go.


Anyone know what cars are eligible for this hopper?

No official news yet but it should be the Chevy and Honda Indycars.

Also we don’t know yet if the car can have the build and tune changed.

Thanks! I was afraid of that. I was holding on to a slight hope that I could use the Lotus E21, but I figured it would be limited to the Modern Indy Cars.

I hope at least the payout is better than the Long Beach challenge.

Neither the hopper nor the Challenge are active yet. Check back tomorrow night or Friday for the details.

towers that lotus would get eaten alive. the lotus handles much better but it goes to waste. there are no turns the indy car cant handle at equal speed. the lotus can brake much better…but you run the entire race without touching the brakes. the one thing where the indy cars have the advantage is the top speed and its a top speed track. none of the lotuses advantages come into play. when the car is named after the track…never mind. that lemans track is named bugatti isn’t it. well most of the time if a car is named after a track its gonna rule that track.

Hi guys can anyone tell me please where i find this event in rivals or in multiplayer hoppers i don’t know where can i get through race there no time to waste can anyone give me the steps to start it please !

it will be in multiplayer but not for another 6 or more hours.

There you go.
Another special event, on a long timer.

And guess what ?
When you try and join a lobby, you get 99% of the time dumped into a lobby which still has between 15 min to 2hours 15 minutes to race.

Explain to me logically why the matching system send you into a useless lobby, and I will eat my hat.

Exactly same than the previous one, Long Beach.

Why sooo much poor coding ?

This said I enjoyed, the race, although I do not understand why so many drivers (6 out of 10) left during the race, after more than an hour race actually.
Did they get voluntarily retired from the lobby ?

Do not know.

Maybe Rdo3 could tell us, he was in my race.

Anyway, this was a long race, and with the well known problem on the audio, I could not hear many of the other drivers,
although I could see their name appearing on the screen when they were obviously emitting some noise…

I really hope that MS is getting hard at work trying to resolve this audio thing.
Do you guys know how good or bad the playstation network is, concerning this kind of thing ?

Thank you.