Long Beach Lobby Stories

Mods, if this thread is inappropriate, please feel free to do away with it. However, I thought it would be pretty interesting to hear what people’s experiences are like with Long beach while racing in Lobbies. Just the layout of the track alone is going to cause some crazy moments, I’m sure. Winning races is going to be determined by who can get through that last turn without being run into a wall. Just thought it might be fun…

First turn is gonna be a nightmare…

That first turn might be worse than Bathurst and Spa. I think all of the turns will be somewhat of a nightmare. To run the course fast, you don’t leave any room for passing in the turns. That’s going to create all kinds of interesting moments. Its not like you have the option of going inside or outside on many of those turns. Me personally, I can’t wait to see what happens at the roundabout right after the first turn. I can see cars getting knocked into the flowers left and right there. :slight_smile:

The clean drivers will pass on the straights, but you know all kinds of people will be impatient and try to pass through the turns when there is no way they have room to do so.

I love the track but I think the roundabout on Aquarium Way is going to be the worst first lap turn in Forza lobby history. I might just make it a habit to hang back and let the comedy unfold before me.

its gonna be a trolls paradise.

You know the one race I did on it in the challenge lobby it was actually ok, mainly because 3/4’s of the field missed the first corner and went down the slip road lol.

First time I raced the track In MP was the Challenge lobby, wasn’t all the bad except for of course the fountain corner.
Thankfully I started in last because watching everyone cram into there…
Wow haha.
After that though it was really smooth sailing.
I dominated my race and lapped the field twice.
Most people in my lobby were kind enough to just let me by when lapping too.
Props to those guys.
Such a rare sight in this game.

My lobby story…

I get to constantly try and search for a game that hasn’t already started along with about 60 other people doing the exact same thing… Only to get put into lobbies that have already started and have TWO people racing the track…

And because the timer is borked, I can’t even tell if a lobby has 5 minutes left, or over an hour… Yay!


I don’t have a lobby story as I have yet to race it in multiplayer. Just rivals and chasing some Mini who is about 5 seconds ahead of me. What’s his name…Lou-something.

Trolls aside, I think another challenge is simply going to be the nature of that last turn because you get punished a lot if you force it too hard and if you are trying to hold off a guy for a win, you will have to keep your cool and not let adrenaline get the best of you.

The first turn took awhile for me to get, as I don’t use brake line. I plowed into the tires a few times. :slight_smile: Now, I just mentally count a couple of seconds after the traffic light and it works pretty well.


dont be ashamed to use assists if you need them learning a new track. i wont be. if it comes to someone using assists or taking me out i would rather they use assists. i’ll extend them the same courtesy. there are gonna be wrecks everytime people are all learning a new track…but no reason not to keep them to a minimum if you can.

Point taken, RDO. I’m just doing rivals so the only damage I’m doing is to myself. But, when I decide to return to multiplayer, I’ll probably turn on brake line. I noticed that was a problem before. I don’t race the alternate versions of tracks often and when those would come up, I would have problems.


If I ever get in a race, I will let you know.

I’ve spent an hour so far sitting here staring at the hopper lobby. I’m afraid to back out in case this one is about to end.

Yeah I waited for 30 mins last night(while watching 50 different people join and leave) finally got to start. It was down to 2 of us(out of 6 total) by the 10th lap and just me hot lapping for the last hour.

I wish I could have played in a fully lobby of 16 just for the craziness, but with how long it takes plus watching a full lobby come and go the whole time. I’m done with this, but I am looking forward to racing in a shorter race at long beach.

Just waiting… It be nice to know what lap the races are on.

The lobby I’m in had 4 driving then one dropped off. I got excited thinking, alright it’s ended. But that was 20min ago now. I figure worst case race in 30 minutes as I’ve been in lobby waiting for 1 hr now. Wish we could at least spectate.

Hope it’s soon

Shame you cant jump into lobby chat with the people who are actually racing and ask how long left in the race. (Maybe able to join them in a party chat if you know them though, without making them having to stop, to answer say a txt message).
Personally I think T10 should fix the timer (how long left) or launch new races every 15 minutes, so we don’t have to wait up to 2 hours if we just missed the start.

Hey turn 10 mind fixing these broke lobbies?

So I got set back to home screen 1/2way through. Just hit the hour mark. Lapped the guy left over from drops 3 times. Waited 1:20 for 2hr race. Race one hour. Try again a little later I guess.

The tune I’m in is fast. But it’s about impossible to get by anyone. Once I get buy and got open track I pull away. Most time made up on braking and throttle as soon as it can be applied. And the turns right before and including the hairpin. I’ve been getting my passes at the square left off west shoreline drive to south pine ave (turn 6 and 7.) everywhere else is almost impossible.

I tried and tried at turn 8 (south pine ave right in to back straight) but the rumble strips upset the car so I can’t quite late apex it enough to go down their right side down the straight. Got close once to pulling it off. Back back end kick out a bit and the slip was enough to

Not be able to make pass on the straight.

I was 45-50 laps in and back to the home screen I went.

I think its your own fault for running such a quick lap…you overloaded the servers :wink:

Must have some luck, only waited about few minutes before race. Started with 6 racers and i was in second spot on grid so tried to stay as far right as possible for the first corner but no luck, some guys were using me as their brakes :slight_smile:

Well, back to track in fift place and easily overtook two racers and third spot for a few laps and few racers already quitting and all that was left was three players.

Managed to catchup those runaways and overtook them, after that it was really boring, only actions were when lapping (5 or 6 times) those other two guys, other one gave way really well but the other one was trying every dirty trick he could trying to prevent me overtaking (again) him (blocking, smashing me on straights and using me as his breaks)

Anyway after 2 hours i had 190 miles on the meter and my hands hurt :slight_smile:

Well…just finished the 2 hour Long Beach Indy hopper. 10 people total, 5 quit eventually. I only got “trolled” 3 times. I won the race (189 miles…phew!) and lapped everyone else at least three times. LOL!