How I won the eliminator in a Beetle in only my second serious attempt

I have won with most cars including the Mini by doing what I like to call the Volcano challenge where I basically pick the worst car drop on top of the volcano when that is the final circle and try to win with that car.

I am an active player who does not want to sit around for 15 minutes doing nothing so a Beetle win I tought would never happen.
Then a few weeks ago I was challenged by a suicidal beetle and it was up to the volcano, took a shot by taking the opponents Beetle over my Nissan GTR upgrade.
I came second in FS.

What is not in the video:
Me finding no car drops whatsoever and no one to race
Me deciding to get up the volcano and taking whatever car drop I can find.
Not finding a car and the excruciatingly difficult climb, partially on road partially by climbing while avoiding potential opponents.
Me deciding to go for a beetle win.

What is in the video:

I start by challenging someone to set my marker to the one spot then wait a while hoping to get challenged so I can take a few people out. I make sure to move back and forth a little so I dont start to ghost and people can see someone is there. Sadly no one bites.

At 1:45 in I decide this boring and decide to check out what cars there are at the drop spots, boring have wins with all of them lets drive around and see if anyone wants to play. No one wants to play.

At 3:55: This is boring I should attack. I attack, opponent runs away.

At 5:00: Nearly blow it by launching to soon, have to brake hard or I will exit the circle too soon.

At 5:16: The race is on. My opponents are a mix of levels including a Level 10 F9(who likely came second) a level 8 Cammaro and a level 5 Deberti F150.


Forza Horizon 5 Eliminator: With the level 1 Beetle - YouTube


It looks a bit Fishie to me. :wink:

I don’t have the patience to deal with finishing 30th or better in the Eliminator, so this isn’t happening for me any time soon.


Its a fun competitive mode, go for winning

I love playing Eliminator. I’m on 94 wins so far and trying to get to 100.

Well done on winning in a Beetle. That’s awesome.

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I also have the worst win in a Mini

I’m more impressed by people who somehow manage to win in the Camaro.
All joking aside, great job on winning with the Beetle! The only time I managed to get a win in Eliminator in a sub level 6 car was with the level 2 Audi, but that car is severely OP for it’s class.

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Early on I would lose against beetles in a Cammaro or the Ferari.
These days I can win the FS in them, it takes practice tho.

I won yesterday in a Camaro. In the final dash there were just 3 of us and I was coming second most of the time. I think the first person (Level 10) must have overshot the mark allowing me sneak in the win.

I’ve won a number of times in level 6 cars especially when the finish is somewhere tricky like on a bridge or in the city as I’m able to take a better route as I’d figured out where the finish might be.

I’ve probably lost more times in the Level 10 Funco than won with it. It’s super fast but awful to drive and control.


You can start by following me on YT

After that do follow Fabrice

Lately he has been making videos with the best routes

Fabrice Roux - YouTube

StriderZ has a vid on the best exits

REVEALED: The BEST Exit STRATEGY For Each Arena! - Forza Horizon 5 Eliminator - YouTube

As for the cars, tunings are not exactly the same as they are on stock cars but you can use the stock cars in free roam to practice and get experience on how they behave and handle

Do the above and you will be more succesful

Finally give Freddie a follow

Freddie is deaf has bad eyesight and plays on keyboard with 3 fingers, he is quadriplegic and so far has 116 wins.
He is an inspiration to all of us high level players.

Freddiehigh - YouTube

I consider him the best in the world.

I have no luck with Eliminator when I go in I am only trying to get to 30th. I have never had a car over 7. Even when I have a car 2 levels above another car and get challenged I can take the straightesr path or follow the other car. I will still hit every tree in a forest. I don’t know where the last challenge checkpoint is going to be and try to go balls to the wall in a direction. It’s always the wrong direction. I have only eliminated 3 opponents.

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I was the same, getting my first win took over a hundred games, getting 7 took me over a thousand.

Its not luck, its experience and knowledge, the links above can help you.

Just avoid others until you make it to the final race and pay attention until you learn how final races work. Sooner or later you will win that way even without a good car.
Otherwise the game asks only for 30th place in playlist because they know eliminator is not everyone’s thing.

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I actually think your Mini win is more impressive than the Beetle win :slight_smile:
Mini car drops are excellent ambush points,anyone daft enough to want to pick it up are likely to be easy pickings :slight_smile:

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I prefer the Mini over the Beetle because it’s more drivable offroad

I’ll just leave this here.

Sorry for any confusion,i was referring to the Mini (xraid?) car in FH5 eliminator, not the real Mini FH4 got.
The FH4 eliminator Mini was a hoot,and i regularly stuck with it throughout a game just cos it was fun,esp through the woods.

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I’ve never won an eliminator and don’t think I ever will my best I think is 6rh place I’ve never been good at pvp in any game and I’m not good in eliminator either lol and battle royals aren’t really my thing but I can say eliminator is probably my favourite battle royal I’ve played not that I’ve played many lol

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I have multiple wins with the Mini, vid failed on the good win, the one I uploaded is hilariously bad yet somehow the F9 and Andretti did not catch up to me.

Yay I have the only recorded beetle win with an elimination

Nay I have the worst recorded win with a Mini

Forza Horizon 5 Eliminator: Brain OFF in the Mini against Funco F9 and Andretti Beetle - YouTube

(1) Forza Horizon 5 Eliminator, soul crushing defeat against a MiNI. AGAIN. - YouTube