How do you get Credits for your Designs?

I’ve been making Designs for vehicles in this game since release day, fortunately one of my first Designs(G63 AMG Police Livery) now has over 1,000+ Uses and all of my designs combined have been used about 2,000 times. My question is when do I receive Professional Status as a Designer? Also I’ve made a couple Tunning set-ups just for kicks and I’ve received credits for that! I’m just a bit confused and would very much appreciate someone explaining it to me.

For paints I think you have to have 150 uses in a day. But I could be wrong.

Aww, If that’s so then I guess I’m never going to leave Freelance.

Hardly anyone must receive any credits mate.


no matter how many downloads you have you need to get 150 uses from all ur designs “does not need to be from one” in one day, then you start getting cash every day for the uses of ur design no matter how small the number of uses you still get cash… hope that helped :slight_smile:

for tunes you just need 50 uses in a day for the cash to become unlocked…

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So if you had 10 designs getting 15 uses each day its quite easy to do. I do not know about tunes but paints are slow to get downloads. They then start to pick up and before you know it you have 150 uses, 500 then 1000 and it keeps going.

Oh, alright. Thanks for the response.

Rediculous. Days of painting and no income. The new system really suc**

I think it’s a bad system we should get more of a reward for the time put in I’m getting around 18k a day now no more then that like I always say I can race for abit and make way more lol just wish it was better I really do :wink:

Stick with it. Enter T10 contests, post on facebook or twitter.

You really have to tell people to help them find your cars this time out.
& Get a good marketing manager on board !! :wink:


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Not that I’ve painted a lot this time around, been focusing more on tunes but both are still down in freelance status. I would prefer a system that you get something for every use rather than a minimum to reach first. Will see how it develops but with the number of users vs number of paints available I don’t see any change to get credits and the related achievements.

same here I got 181 use on 1 but I don’t seem to get any money I think they shud of put the market place up so u can buy them and sell

Does it have to be whole paint jobs that are to be used or vinyl uses count as well?

Only full paint jobs count. Vinyl groups do nothing.

Wow, really? So where’s the motivation to put up vinyls? I d on’t see a vinyl pulling people into your designs unless you’re doing some wild fantasy images maybe. In fact, I’d say putting up racing vinyls reduces the need for someone to get a full design when they can lay out their own personal use car themselves…
I’m a bit miserable at the moment…

Being late starter in the games cycle doesn’t make it any easier. I’m freelancing all over everywhere…more so for tunes than paints and I’m a painter! (at least I think I am).

Yeah, I understand the struggle mate. Seeing freelance all the time is really annoying and it can get to you. Just remember why your painting. Also I agree with you about the racing logos which is why I never individually post logos that are key to making a specific car. For instance I put up the logos anyone could get anyway, IE: GoodYear, Nismo, Motul, SEV Marchal etc. but main sponsor logos IE: Vaillant, TS Batterie, HCC SkiWear etc. I don’t post.

I think a cool way to give credit to painters to put logos up, would be that they allow users who use downloaded logos in their original designs to post those designs up for download.

Then whenever it gets downloaded, the painter of the logos being used also gets credit for a download, thereby making the logo painters quickly rack up extra downloads and get credit for their work. If a bunch of people use a painter’s XX logo on their designs, then the XX designers’ uses and downloads start to go up exponentially and get lots of credit for their work and sharing the logo with the community.

This also allows a painter that maybe doesn’t want to spend hours creating a logo, but can put it together for a nice looking overall design get some credit as well, but give credit and help to the logo creators at the same time.