My name is joe and I have had an xbox one with this game since it was released and was looking forward to this game but here are a few problems your vast team missed.
I hope this is the complaints department. You done a great job hiding how to complain about your product forza 5 (destruction derby). I truly don’t know where to start with this complaint. This game has so much going for it but somehow feels untested. The graphics and sounds on this game are quality there’s no question on that, but it’s just the rest. Please answer the following questions as best you can:
I’ll start with the game in general.
1.Why is it when I bought the game at approx £50 there we dlc straight away. Am I missing something! Try putting that content up you want to charge me for into the game. Talk about money making. Approx £100 for a game and the missing content isn’t acceptable in my eyes.
2.Next is the constant repeating of the voice over during the mental loading times. Why can’t this be turned off and why does it take ssssssoooooooooooo long to load anything??? Seriously my Nintendo 64 was quicker.
The AI racers. A good idea on paper. Try playing this game with these AI’s, you can’t get to the end of a race an say ‘wow that was a good clean race, no damage taken etc’ because every single person piles into the first bend and every other bend whether your in there way or not. So in conclusion to the AI crap like I said on paper it’s a good idea. Maybe if everyone who was a played was a racing driver this would be great. In reality it’s poor.
[Mod Edit - Abbreviated profanity, profanity and profanity that is disguised but still alludes to the words are not permitted - D]
Tuning. Where to start. If I’m in an online lobby why can’t I change my tune? Instead someone thought I know you can make a tune for every track an car and save it. No! It’s a terrible idea. It’s simple, just have a little menu where you can get to tune your car for that track etc etc.
Wheel support. I have a logitech g27 which is a great wheel but it doesn’t work. Instead you have to look at buying one of two terrible wheels. Ok this isn’t your fault but why not contact someone like fanatec and say hey we’ve got a good game and need a good wheel can you help. Playing with a on/off (triggers) controller isn’t good.
So hopefully this helps as feed back. Hopefully all these faults will be rectified. I wouldn’t mind if you wanted my feed back before a game is released, clearly the people you have testing these games have only ever play forza. Here’s a tip for Forza/ turn 10 buy a ps3 with gran turismo 6, play that game and make forza like that. Could you even imagine a game like that. The physics from gt6 (by ffffffaaaaaaaaaarrrrrrrr better than destruction forza derby 5) and the graphics/ sounds from forza 5. Amazing. You can have that one!
I’m not looking for any type of compensation for the grey hair I now have because of this game, I’m merely just Asking for some answers as to why the game is a short fall and if it can be fixed. If it can’t be fixed I won’t be playing or buy or recommending this game to anyone. I’m pretty sure your not to bothered about one person with these views, but please look at them and fix if you can. Like I said the game has lots of potential.
You Don’t have to buy the DLC if you don’t want to. No one is forcing you to buy it
This has a lot more things to load then a nintendo 64
This AI is different. Its drivatars. Their actions are based on the way other people drive. Play online and you will see it is no different
This is to to help new comers to the game. Not everyone is the Stig
You can’t tune in a lobby no but you can load any tune you want on the currently selected car.
It’s not up to Turn 10 or the makers of any game to approach companies and dictate to them they should make a wheel. And from the rumors I’ve heard Fanatec are meant to be working on a wheel and or converter to allow use with the old wheel
True you don’t have to buy the DLC, me and most of my friends have already stopped that. It does put out that FM5 was rushed and incomplete. There are way less cars than FM1 had, less tracks, and the AI was better, it also had Drivatars who you could actually pay to race for you meaning you got less money when the race was over.
Who cares about the ARCADE Racers, that is what Forza Horizon and all the other Arcade racers are for. Forza Motorsports was the last SIM racer on console. If they dumb it down anymore I’ll just buy another game.
It actually does make a big deal. Load times have always been much longer on optical discs than on cartridges. Yes, older games had less data to load, but loading from a cartridge is faster than loading the same amount of information from a disc. Compare N64 load time (microseconds) versus that of PSX games on CD. When Resident Evil 2 was ported to N64, FMV was heavily compressed, but normal game graphics like character, enemies, and the environment were actually sharpened for N64, but the only reason it had the old loading screens (door animation screens) were for the sake of being a faithful port, and it helped demonstrate that you were transitioning to a new room.
Cartridges are way better than optical discs except for one huge problem - the cost is ridiculously higher for cartridges.
Xbox One games have a ton more data than Nintendo 64 games (Forza 5 is about 30GB iirc, and the average N64 game was 32MB, nearly 1,000 times less data)
I think to get a balanced view of dlc the discussion needs to include mention that we have received 3 free tracks and car pass owners have received more free cars than they originally signed up for.
Some people say that the cars should be free anyway. That ignores the concept of revenue covering development costs and content in FM5 is not a direct port of FM4 content – it requires varying levels of work to make it FM5 ready.
Also to get a balanced view of content levels in FM5 those content levels should be compared to other racing games on xbox consoles. There has been no racing game (without Forza in its name) on any xbox console with the same level of content as what FM5 shipped with.
Does it mean we need to be happy with the content levels? No. I get bored like many other players. But to suggest we should have xyz levels of content at no extra cost is ignoring the reality of certain elements of sound business practice and financial sustainability.
Also if people are using all assists they are very likely to be beatable. If you are finding someone unbeatable they know how to drive quick.
Some people really dont have anything better to say, yeah your entitled to your own opinion, but why cant people just enjoy games anymore.
this new generation of gamers coming through are really a bunch of moaners. shame.
also agree totally with eduardo, and as far as being unable to beat people with braking and steering assists, well enough said.
GT6 Physics lol …if floating round a track is a good thing …stick to your PS3 n GT6 lol…the more people like u stay away from FM5 the happier i become…muppet
And this is where the biased opinions of a fanboy kick in.
As someone who plays and loves both games…cars on Forza “float” around much more than they do on GT6. That said…the physics aren’t bad at all.
Each game has it’s positives and negatives. It’s all personal preference after all.
To Topic:
I agree with a lot of this stuff. Specially not being able to use a steering wheel considering I have a G27 my own.
The DLC debate…well…I agree with it. Altough it’s very well known Forza has a lot of DLCs so that was expected.
My dad recently acquired GT6 and has been doing the Senna challeneged, I thought I would have a go around Brands Hatch in the Formula Ford 30 minutes ago, oh boy. I know exactly what you mean, 3RD person is unbelievably bad. It’s so twitchy and everything really does look like it’s on a pivot, I couldn’t even drive in 3RD person.