Horizon Open (Custom Matchmaking)

Irrespective of class chosen (B,A,S1,S2) the matchmaking seems to be so heavily dispersed I’m being put in fresh (low player count) lobbies every time I search. Shouldn’t there be a priority on filling a lobby first rather than creating multiple lobbies? FH4 I can recall seeing the same names quite frequently when CA was implemented.

Maximum players I’m seeing is 3-5 per session.

I don’t actually mind the lower amount of players per session much less chance of rammers ruining it.

I agree OP it’s a problem. They went from full championships to 3 players on average per championship.

I second this statement. There are numerous lobbies for each category available but every single one is low populated.
There seems to be a matchmaking issue because I can’t imagine this is intended by design.

First “we want choice”, then “why doesn’t everyone choose what I want? It’s so empty here”

Well done, people. :rofl:


Choice is a very accurate set of implementations, when choice doesn’t cover those implementations then it was never anyone’s choice.

The real question is: Where on earth is A Class racing? It’s not there, you can’t select it when looking for custom adventure

The RAESR took it over, so the developers closed it off.

Its back on now

I was so far ahead in an open Championship final round that even if I came last I would win… and the game black screened then crashed with an error message… That’s sums up my life.

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Seems like a lazy way to fix the issue imo. Like, just nerf the RAESR. Getting rid of A Class affects everyone. Fix the actual problem instead of closing everything related to it…

I was under the impression nobody was playing last week. Twice I got solo runs through the whole three races, and once I started solo, picked up two others in the second race, and a third one for the final. If it’s not that nobody is playing then the lobby scheme is seriously broken.

A class custom racing is back now you just cant use Raesr or Ipace in online racing.

I just played FH5 on Tuesday and A Class wasn’t there for me. Did they just add it back yesterday?


It’s not like full lobbies would help build this game’s community.

The entire game is anti-community. It would rather make you feel connected then actually help out with creating connections and forming groups. The only way to group up with players is to hope that your lobby is a good one, and then once again hope that they also click the “stay as convoy” button. It’s all for show, there is no actual community in this game.

No designated car meet. People are forced online so they usually don’t want to group with you and besides, they disappear as soon as they turn a corner. Even the single player experience is sacrificed in order to funnel us into the empty shell of a poorly designed multiplayer farce.

It’s a fundamentally flawed concept, made even worse by the fact that it never once worked properly, and probably never will considering how issues persisted throughout the entire lifespan of FH4.

You’re moving pepples off a mountain by claiming it’s an issue with open lobbies.

Lol, I’ve finished a few series by myself due tovrage quitters. I one series I was in with a group of 3 in thier little convoy. It was only tge 4 of us after the rest quit due to the other 3 ramming anyone that got near them. Since I knew thet were not interested in actual racing I let them have a head start to ram and slam into each other. Halfway into lap one they all quit, leaving the race to me. Second race, after waiting for the game to fast travel other players I foind myself all alone at the start of the second race. Last race, same as the second race, wait to fast travel other players and run the race alone. Next series, booted to freeroam because not enough players to start next event.
Only 5 months in and they already lost millions of players. There simply isnt a large enough player base for 37 different custom events at any one time.

The post clearly states a universal lack of players when searching, not lack of players in a particular sub class.

My heart sinks when it’s the first race, it’s just me and the other guy, the other guy darts off into the distance and there’s three races left to go.

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There are too many mode outside of the standard racing + weekly homework. So maybe players are more speard out.
Since there are no track update in online racing I get bored. (And they cut road+street racing into 2 type it even get less track on tarmac race)

And It is hard to have fun in a 2min race. Most of the time I only have some fight in about 1 or 2 corner.