Online racing is killing the game

The current state of online racing is killing the game.

We NEED the ability to choose or vote on what track and class to race on.

We DON’T want to wait in queue only to join a championship that is already in progress.

We NEED to be matched against players of similar skill level.

Everything I have just mentioned was clearly raised by the community from day 1. 3 months later there has been no change in this space. Why?


Maybe because the bugs haven’t even been fixed yet?

They don’t change the running mode if they can hardly keep up with the errors.
To then produce even more errors? No thank you. First finally work off the known issues.

Not even the festival playlist, eliminator, accolades etc. work properly. That’s why I think it’s unrealistic to change something that’s already run

We DON’T want to wait in queue only to join a championship that is already in progress.

Actually you need.
In Alien fireteam they only do matchmatcking at prematch (~30sec). No mid game join.
it basically make matchmaking never work.

In horizon You dont connect to that many server at the time in 1 location

The best option is a room browner with stats.
So if you have a choice if you saw no new room. you can still jump in a 2/3 race. or jump into other class

I’m super late to this thread, but I registered just to come to this thread specifically and show some support, even though I know it prob falls on deaf or dumb ears. The game is missing some sort of stats/rank and/or insights into what you’ve done, they can log 1000000 useless telemetry things real time but can’t give you a stats page with some actual TLC, it’s pathetic honestly.


Give us the option to select only road racing and let the people that enjoy dirt / cc be able to choose that. Same with classes - We should be able to choose any class we want to race. Its pretty amateur of any game company not letting you either start a lobby with the chosen ruleset or set up a way to select a from some rulesets that are present. We asked for this in FH4 - It took forever - How come it did not get included in FH5, will it come to FH5? My favorite lobby system was in Forza 2 - And I still wish to this day we could get that back.


I don’t quite understand the sheer depth of feeling over the mid championship thing? It’s only 3 races. subsequent championships you do then are full championships?

Ranked makes sense though. And I’m someone who can’t get a handle on road racing.

I enjoyed Team Adventures too when it was more prominent.

Ok let me explain it to you.

Who wants to wait 5 mins to join a championship that you then find out is over?

Who wants to join a championship with the aim of winning only to discover the championship is already 1 or 2 races in and there is no way for them to win?

Or to your point, who wants to wait up to half an hour for the current championship to end just to join a fresh championship?

If they intend to make minimal changes then the least they can do is scrap multi race championships altogether with single race championships.


Because it’s really annoying. Yesterday, I decided to play some Horizon Open Racing and joined a lobby, eventually. It said race in progress 1/3 laps when I joined, so I did some donuts and mucked around with the other drivers who also joined the championship. After what felt like 10 minutes of waiting the message finally said ‘drivers receiving rewards’ and I got ready to actually race.

Then everyone else around me disappeared (they got into the game) and I didn’t for some reason, then the message appeared saying ‘event in progress, you’ll be able to join the next one’ even though I was there before all the others who got into the race.

My only request is that you can pick from road, dirt, cc or street scene.

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PGG is actually the ones killing this game.

Well if we were really being honest then I would say you can’t kill something that’s already dead.

Truly mindboggling that we never get any communication regarding online play. The devs are either stupid or blind.

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During the last stream Mike mentionend that some changes for Horizon Open are on the way.
It was an answer to a Q&A question whether we’ll be able to set up private lobbies with custom restrictions (similar to Horizon 1).
He ruled that out but that’s the only info we have. Could be anything (it can’t get worse, can it?) and we don’t know when it’ll launch.

What I don’t understand, is why take the path that killed Grid 2019? If that had had decent multiplayer from the start it may have done better. Other than not having AI cars in online, it’s the same championship you don’t get to choose. It’s ridiculously bad.

A Ranked playlist would have solved most of the issues mentioned in the OP…gee, I wonder what happened to that?

My biggest gripe is the load times and wait times. I don’t really care if I join mid-session, or if I get B Dirt twice in a row, given that it’s a social playlist. What drives me nuts is waiting 4 minute to join a session only for a new session to start, or waiting 2 minutes between each 2.5 minute race. Racing isn’t fun if you stare at a load screen longer than you race!

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I wonder if those long wait times, which persists from FH4, will ever be fixed? I am going to guess no.

Do Mike Brown and co just hire out lowly paid developing world coders and pay them peanuts? Surely the people writing this trash tier code aren’t getting paid good money? If so then PGG are getting ripped off, like the customer is.

The load times are a function of players being on the regular XBox One series or Pcs with older slow loading hard drives. You are waiting for them. If you have ever had a race start up almost immediately, you pretty much know everyone is one a XBox Series S/X or PC with a SSD drive. Longer races would be nice given how short the tracks are to begin with, though that wouldn’t solve sprints.

No, there are other reasons for the long wait times. You probably won’t believe me though, but see for yourself. Some of these are from FH4 but the same bugs were carried over to FH5. This began when FH4 came to Steam, something doesn’t work right and wasn’t fixed for FH5 either.

Sorry you’re wrong. FH4 online racing times changed over night half way through the games life. It went from acceptable to horrible across all platforms. This then continued for the remainder of FH4 and then was carried across over to FH5.