Graphics - Lighting when painting cars is too dark to make out actual color of the cars (1402772)

Seems like an oversight, but when you go to paint a car, you’re moved from the home screen which is this well-lit room with the sun beaming on your car to an artificial, dark, gray room with no lighting source of any variety, making all of the colors too dark & flat to the point where you can’t even tell how they actually look until you back out of the paint mode to get back into the home screen. You literally can’t even tell if a color is gloss or metallic. I doubt this was an intentional decision.

totally agree! colors look shut off or faded. they need a fix . agree


Yes! The “ambient” lighting in the paint booth is abysmal - so dim and washed-out!


yes! everyone saids it . washed out completely . the depth of field in garage ruins the sharpness of the visuals also . need to remove or at least put a setting to adjust


Painting cars black doesn’t work. They look grey,really hard to see new wheels when choosing them from menu


It’s the same with the car builder in the builders cup, way too dark when selecting new wheel designs, it’s very hard to see them.


I find that the paint color is way too faded. Black is just dark grey and dark red appears like a flat brown

If I save this, the color looks exactly like this on the track as well, not just in the paint booth

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Not only the light but the colors have proplem.
Plush no metirial or rgb sliders
100€ for this joke when gt7 had them at day one

And trying to put medium-dark vinyls on an overhanging part of a dark car (the rear quarters of the Countach) is practically impossible because the vinyls vanish into the shadow.
I’d almost believe they’ve forgotten to implement the actual light sources.


We are closing out this issue. The developers have noted this issue as Fixed as of Update 6 on 03.11.24

If you are still experiencing this issue you can create a new topic. Please link this topic in the new topic for reference and provide video/screenshots to help the investigation.

At the time of the fix this topic had 40 votes.

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