Goliath Circuit Crash and Microsoft Experience after

Hi guys,

I would like to share with you guys my recent experience.

I am level 230 or so in the game, played a fair bit and completed a fair amount of the game. Recently decided to play the legendary Goliath circuit, and make it a 10 lap race. Purchased all the bonus perks, got my Viper with the Credit boost ready for maximum income. On the second lap, the rewind function got broken - it would not show a rewind animation anymore and simply freeze on a black screen with a loading animation in the corner. The only solution I found was Alt-Tabbing, which brought the game back. All right, drove carefully after that to minimize the rewinds needed. On the 9th lap, unfortunately, I needed a rewind and doing so threw me almost in the beginning of the lap, put me 2nd with no cars ahead, still far behind me. I said fine, it’s so buggy I will not attempt anything anymore and hope to finish. About 80% of the 10th lap while switching the camera the game simply crashes without any crash report or anything like that, poof - and it’s gone.

I contacted Microsoft for that matter, they told me that it is a known issue, it is being worked on but there is nothing to do about it. Now I consider that I should be granted some sort of compensation, after all, I paid over $100 for the ultimate version of the game. Microsoft thinks not, told me we are just going in circles and ended the chat abruptly.

Now am I wrong here? I understand a game might crash, but I am pretty sure they could trace the logs and see that the race actually happened and the game did indeed crash. Crashing after playing 2 hours and receiving no rewards is obviously not fun(I don’t know how much, but probably at least 10 levels and 4 million credits or so), I am very disappointed in the game now and I am currently unwilling to play the game because of this incident. Am I butthurt or do you think I am right? I mean, it costs $0.00 for them to credit the XP and credits which were well deserved, after all, it is bad business.

If you would like to discuss it with the developers, send an email to forzafb@microsoft.com
You’ll receive an autoreply confirming receipt of your message, and they may follow up with an additional response.

There is a significant content update coming for PC users on May 9th; we’ll have to see if this issue and others are addressed by fixes.


I wrote them an email but no automated responses received. Hope it’s fine. But regardless, I don’t think I am getting my credits and XP, sad but true.

Limit your races to about 1 hour.

You should be able to do more but this is a known issue.

I have not seen anyone get compensation for this.

Just do 5 or 6 laps and/or turn off rewind.


When Don Joewon Song’s game crashed and he lost everything, he claims Turn10 gave him cars and credits to “get him back on his feet.” Just change your name to Don Joewon Song, it worked for him.

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That’s a really curious case. DJS obviously does a lot for the Forza community - but on the other side he advertises services that sell Forza Credits for real money (which is worthy of a lifetime ban according to the TOS).

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That’s interesting. Do you have a link where he advertises such ‘service’ ?

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He does indeed advertise forza gold selling websites. It can be seen in around 13th second of one of his latest videos:

Let me check.

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Agreed, very interesting…but without proof is slanderous

That is different. That is a corrupt save and compensation has been given for that. But not for loss of end race rewards.


Another thing I have noticed is that (for me at least in my tests) the number of rewinds in total is what counts.

I was able to get this issue to happen during the 3rd lap by using an inordinate number of rewinds starting very early on in the 1st lap.

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That’s some good info. Thanks.

Yep just turn rewind off. Gives you a bump and finishing positions amounts aren’t really worth the hassle to win to rewind because some one passed you. the percentage boost is for difficulty is much bigger then the 1-4K you lose for not being 1st. That said I keep my Goliath between 3 and 5 laps max just to be on safe side. Haven’t run it ages though

Come on, you know that was different right? It was a corrupt save and I’ve seen a lot of persons compensated when they had corrupt saves from the club I hang with and helped out when they lost everything and not really well known persons either.


Ok guys, I honestly did not know that they compensated anyone other than Don Joewon. Not trying to start a fight. I had a corrupt save on my first play through, was over level 300. Lost everything. I didn’t realize I could have been compensated. I started over and I am level 627 now. Please disregard my first post for my ignorance.

They should have a published process to follow when it happens. That would avoid confusion and frustration over it.


Actually sick of these constantly repeated posts so will delete my original post
Some people are new here and Not all people know how to search either

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Turning off rewind is the easiest solution to this, besides you get more credits for disabling it.


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Compensation? For a crash during a race that’s a known bug that’s been plastered all over the internet? Seriously? What’s with everyone always thinking they’re owed something in this game??? Did you fall out of your chair when you crashed and get blinded by Cheeto dust or something? Why would there be “compensation”?