Getting banned for aggresive driving????

now im a clean driver, i play most night with 5/6 friends and we are all reasonibly clean drivers, BUT if one person, which there always is, decides to ram one of us off purposely then the nearest person to him purposely makes his racing life hell, fair enough? obviusly not, i have just recieved a ban to which after looking through a few forums i can only put down to a little incident last night with a such person i mentioned above, how do they come to a conclusion and ban someone what evidence do they recieve other than someone filing a complaint, i mean come on if every one filled complaints agaisnt every one that ever banged into them no one would be playing the game, more to the point there is an option to take collisions off and race in them type of races, why not just pick that if your gonna complain about collisons, and why are they even banning folk for this in the first place? it is a car game that people have bought and surely can play anyway they like? again im not a dirty driver im just stating a point, are they gonna start banning people for not taking corners cleanly or racing over the shorcuts theyve still failed to iron out. a ban for gameplay when there is so many specific options people can choose from and race their own specific way if they choose but then complain when in a lobby that doesnt suit them is a bit pathetic.

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Apologies for your frustration, however you should contact Turn 10 at

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