Get rid of this FOMO nonsense, now please

So I popped on today after a while to get through Retro Racers to win the classic F1 car, but it’s gone… great.

Listen - most of us have work and family priorities and do not find the time to sit down and grind for hours.

Do away with this FOMO nonsense. This game has the most bizarre, in fact, the worst career structure of any Forza game. What were you guys thinking?!

Just lost all motivation to play the game.


That and the fact it feels like you are making us have to play the game within a certain time frame.

Think of all the new to motorsport players that miss out on vehicles simply because they purchased it today or next month.

If not get rid of the FOMO at least add the Auction House back into the game so it gives those who missed out a chance to buy “that” vehicle

Or an even better solution is to keep what gets added instead of taking the content away, the game is bare-bones enough without added content being removed every 6 odd weeks!


We need to start some kind of voting thread just like we did for that car leveling/CP nonsense.

This really needs to go, it’s ruining an already struggling game.


There are a few already.


And sadly it’s going to take another 8 updates for those to possibly be coded into the game.

Things NEED To change and sooner rather than later. The MP side of things is hit and miss, the dedicated have it figured out and sounds like they are enjoying the game very much, now we just need Turn10 to add those features that are missing for the Single Players that will keep them keen and then they might dabble into the MP side of things.

Hopefully having a good experience and finding some new interest in the game, you never know, they might actually make friends and add to the positive threads here.

On another note I have actually enjoyed 2 of the 3 available FOMO’s this month, first the Ginetta and today’s Kit Caterhams, good selection of tracks and the one make model adds something interesting outside of the box… though it would all go to ruin if I bought the game and never had this experience so keep the monthly series in the game for 6 months or forever cause if I picked up the game today and finished the builders cup I would be happy seeing all the others sitting waiting for me to challenge and win vehicles

Honestly I wouldn’t have any Single Player campaign issues if this were so starting today.

Since this hasn’t been acknowledge in any meaningful way (at least, not that I’m aware of), unlike the upgrade system which at least they half-heartedly recognised some people didn’t like, I don’t hold much hope they’ll change how it works any time soon.


Just poor form if they don’t, 2/3rds of the thumbs down reviews on Steam are that the game has a pathetic Single player experience.

If the SP side of things stays so devoid of content what makes a player want to hang around after its completed, plus missing out on stuff cause they were late to the party is just not that cool, featured events really need to be overhauled like the Car Points system eventually was. If Turn10 want to bury their heads in the sand so be it, players will find another sandpit to play in


What they need is a good ostrich policy: a policy that runs fast and lays big eggs.


Yeah, you’re probably right.

Being a bit cynical, I’d say it’s there to boost weekly/monthly players on Game Pass.


This FOMO deal and other issues with the game just depress me.

I used to feel SO much joy when booting up Forza Motorsport and Horizon on the Xbox 360, and even the early Motorsport and Horizon games on the Xbox One. But the Series X, which has been out for 4 years now almost, does not offer the same level of innovation and excitement when we talk about Forza alone. It used to be a console seller and a premium racing game.

Mehh… things don’t stay the same forever I suppose.


This is yet another issue where T10 have the opportunity to be open and honest with their customers.

It should not be difficult for T10 to explain why new cars and events can only be added to the game for a few weeks before being taken away. It should also not be difficult for T10 to explain whether those cars will be returning at some point.

T10 rightly prides itself on making its games accessible to everybody. One would hope that extends to seeking to ensure that they are not preying on negative emotions, such as FOMO, which can impact more vulnerable people. If T10 isn’t prepared to answer the above questions, then it should be asking itself why it is uncomfortable doing so.


It should not be difficult for T10 to explain why new cars and events can only be added to the game for a few weeks before being taken away.

It would be a bit difficult because there are no good reasons. As far as I’m concerned, it’s one of those mechanics dreamed up based on neuroscience to create a compulsion for player to log back regularly without having to bother with things like fun game design. It’s toxic engagement, borderline psyops, and it’s actively consumer-hostile.

And considering the cold reception this game had, if they tried to explain or justify it they would just get savaged online.



Added tours need to stay.

I’m particularly sorry to see the Tours removed yesterday. Those were the only racing car based tours I’ve seen so far? And some good fun too.

Even if keeping them means the game has 200 or more tours, after a couple years. Is that a problem?

It would be even better if the Tours were arranged around tracks. Load a favorite track, and see all Tours which feature that track. Pick a suitable car, and go race.


I’ve enjoyed this game but as time goes on that enjoyment is being squeezed out of me. I was also about to start the same tour to win that car but seeing only a day left and the fact I need to work, eat, sleep and, erm, other things means it’s just not going to happen.

Enough of the FOMO and forced fun. T10 is like an evil step mom dangling toys within your reach and then strealing them away while cackling maniacally.

What hideous mind designed this?


It sucks in forza horizon it sucks in this game and I cannot think of another reason for FOMO cars existing except for the cheapest way to force player engagement.

I played FM7 a TON and it only had a very few unicorn cars but also had an auction house and never felt a FOMO aspect really.

There is no reason for time gated cars in this game unless the devs are so unconfident in the quality of the game they’ve released they need to resort to cheap tactics to get people coming back monthly.


THose things you call FOMO are the only things that makes me play single player mode

If FOMO is the only reason to keep playing the single player content, then they failed to make it engaging on a core level.


I made a simple poll:


I mostly play a Tour because I like the cars/theme of the event.

Often, I’ll complete 2 or 3 Tours, and skip the later Tours I don’t care for (often fast supercar/hypercars). Only sometimes do I care enough for a FOMO car to push on playing just to unlock it.

IMO the biggest shortfalls of the Tours we are getting are:

  1. Too few tracks in-game for quality location-based Tour themes. This problem could be offset by instead doing car brand based themes.
  2. Too little single-location focus in a Tour. For example, have a Tour run the same track more than once, but different layout, time of day, or weather.
  3. No “Championship” Tours with 6 or 8 tracks, or “Endurance” Tours, with maybe 2 tracks, but longer lap count (and fuel/tire/pit requirements).

And biggest disappointment of all, the Tours are removed from the game.


that was my point also