Game is pretty solid imho - Just some bugs and 2 features missing - that's it!

Overall I don’t understand all the complaints.

It is a very solid game and lots of fun.
Progressing through the career feels great and being able to achieve something (like earning credits to buy cars and leveling up) is very satisfying.
I personally think, this is the best FM since FM4 and Turn 10 only needs to iron out some minor problems here and there.

The biggest issues for me with this year’s installment, are the missing AI in private lobbies and the lack of a practice mode in Multiplayer.
I would really appreciate it, if T10 would bring back the AI for private sessions at least!

Nonetheless, the game is awesome and only a couple of things would need to be added to make it even better, but that’s definitely not gonna happen until FM8, if at all, I suppose (thinking of Flag Rules, Pre-Race Formation- and Post-Race Cooldown-Laps + the ability to use the horn, toggle the wipers and lights and some more options regarding Pit Stops).

Gonna get back in the game now though, you guys have a nice day!