Forzathon reward problem [PC]

After I I completed this week’s Forzathon : ‘TIME TO COMPETE’, when I went to the forzathon tab to claim the 911 RSR, I didn’t receive the card for the car and the card shows me its completed. I checked the garage, and the 911 wasn’t there. I restarted the game, car wasn’t there. I rebooted my PC, car still wasn’t there. I was able to complete the other Forzathon challenges, and get the Audi and driver suits, but there still no Porsche.

I live in China.
ISP is China Telecom.

Here is the Forzathon tab

No 911 RSR in the garage

Email, explain to them the problem

I’ll try it:)

Have you maxed out your garage
Limit is 900 cars