Forzathon car claimed but not in garage

I was on FM7 and I tried to claim one of the latest Forzathon cars - the Chevrolet Camaro Super Sport for the challenge Party in Aus.

When I went to claim it the first time, the loading error came up (this has taken too long to load, please try again or something like that). Then when I tried again it loaded but the reward didn’t come up on my screen. At this point I when into the garage to check if it was there as I had a feeling something had gone wrong.

Guess what… the car wasn’t there yet it still said claimed in the Forzathon tab! I decided to restart FM7 but the car was still not there. Then I restarted the Xbox but no luck. My last resort was to buy a car which I did but still no Chevrolet!

Has anyone experienced this issue before? If so can you please give me advice on what to do to get my car.
