Forzathon "Heavy Metal" completed but, upon claiming car reward none was given. Xbox One X

Completed Forzathon challenge “Heavy Metal”, challenge was shown as completed and was ready to claim, but during claiming of car none was given. The car wasn’t downloaded or added to my garage on 8/25/2018 and challenge is now grayed out. Steps to resolve; exited game and restarted, hard restart xbox one x, checked for challenge completed (grayed out, so it’s completed) and then waiting until next day 8/26/2018 for a download to show up in messages. I have the screenshot; thought I could just add it within post but not so. I will gladly post the screenshot once I know how to thank you.

How many cars do you have in your garage
Limit is 900
If you have 900 you cant get any more until there is room

LOL, I sure don’t have that many maybe 300? its pretty low, spend too much money on tuning haha. thanks for trying to help.=)