Forzathon Live suckers

I’m really tired of those suckers who think it’s cool to join a Forzathon Live event to score once in the first round and then leave to do other stuff in the game while others drive their axxes off to finish all 3 rounds.
PG should do something about this cr4p. Imho they should give only points for the round somebody scores in or at least they should make an area the players have to stay in to get the reward.
The system as it is right now is garbage.

My 2 cents


It’s been bugging me for a long time. They do half of a round and then take their stupid 599XX Evos to the empty highway. And I got all kinds of flack when I said Forzathon Live should be competitive. Do more, earn more. :man_shrugging:t2:


Personally I think the root cause of this behavior is the combination of the heavy-handed push towards online play and the excessive numbers of exclusive cars. Players understandably want the cars, many of which come through the Forzathon shop but there aren’t enough ways to earn Forzathon points each week without doing the Forzathon Live events given the current cost of the vehicles. Same issue with the weekly playground games, trial, and ranked. A lot of players do them because they want the cars, not because they actually enjoy the game modes and will take the easy way out if they can.

Not great for making the various game modes actually fun for players who enjoy them, but it does make the dev’s metrics look better so I doubt anything will change unfortunately.


I don’t know why you complain, I had 40000 points, before I lost the game, now I had 5000 points, and just play and do the challenges.

I’ve got more than enough FP as well for anything, I was more referring to players who don’t play consistently and don’t have a lot of FP saved up. With the current prices of the cars there’s no way for them to earn enough FP in a week for them unless they do a bunch of Forzathon Live events if they want the car. This will likely drive a lot of players who don’t particularly enjoy playing online into “participating” because they want the car, and if they can get credit for the Forzathon Live events without actually doing the events and instead doing what they enjoy doing in freeroam, that’s likely what they’ll do as soon as they find out they can get away with it. Ultimately ends up hurting both players who like these events (as evidenced by this thread) and the players who really DON’T want to do the events and would rather not be there as well. Lose-lose for players unfortunately due to game design intended to boost metrics and keep people paying monthly subs over actually providing a good experience.

Correct me if i’m wrong but isn’t that how it is? If you don’t score any points in a round you won’t get the points? I remember once I didn’t get points for one round because I didn’t score anything (something came up and went away for a little)

I wish they had a score board for each round showing how much each player is earning. It would kinda make it a competition imo for some players to get to the top. You can also see who isn’t doing anything and only score once.

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I think you mean Leeches". The suckers are us. For doing the Forzathon work and getting them the free points. Esp if its a @#$( Drift event.

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On a semi-related note, I wish they would get rid of the Forzathon Live event that starts at the festival site. A couple of times now I’ve been dragged into because I left the garage at the wrong time, and I always feel obliged to take part, even if I don’t really have the time to do so.

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I don’t like drifting so tend to drive away at that point. It puts me off forzathon live, for everything else I will go for it.

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i just recently finished doing forzathon live and guess what?! everyone is an idiots! before the forzathon started they’re acting like getting ready but when it started they just running away leaving me doing the forzathon by myself and as you guessed it, I FAILED IN ROUND 2! and only got 20 fp (i have a double forzathon earning so it’s 10 without it). as jeremy clarkson, richard hammond and james may said “you’re a blithering idiot!”

I hear you. What annoys me the most isn’t when the player runs away, no. It’s when they contribute once then stay and watch everyone else work hard to gain the points. They’re not even AFK, they just sit and watch, drive to the next round, help one single time, then do absolutely nothing again!
To be fair though, since Forzathon Live removes traffic it can be a good opportunity to try and get a PB on speed traps or other PR stunts, but only if there are enough players that they can handle doing Live themselves. Otherwise it’s so irritating.