Rewarding Forzathon Live players

Has there been any discussion of rewarding those who do the most work in Forzathon Live events? It just seems odd and unfair that the person who accounts for say, 30% of the group’s progress on a Danger Sign, gets the same 20 points as the guy who jumped it once and then just waited till the next round.

It would be rad if people got bonus points for the longest jump, fastest speed, most drift points, etc.


I wouldn’t mind something like x1.25 multiplier for performing above average, too. But that requires man-hours to spend implementing this into the game.

Like that will ever happen. :-/ I’ll be happy to be proven wrong, needless to say…

They do that so people just come to have fun. Rare do I see a case of one person doing 30% outside of only being 3 people. No bonuses means no saltiness from when you have multiple people with the expectation to have the bonus. It also then puts meta before fun so you would have less people bringing cars for the sake of bringing.

Overall, having bonus wouldnt offer anything of gameplay experience other than being able to have more instant gratification awards. It would offer negative experience by bringing in a tangible, “you lose” and lower turnouts due to peeps getting more points faster. Minmax switching and fast travel to get the best chance and positions, etc.

In many it will increase duration of forzathon and decrease clearing times from people driving halfway across the map to get that last 2km/h, rewinding cause they bounced slightly, etc instead of just letting it ride.


But that theory implies that the repetitive Forzathons are fun, and not something people do just to grind out 60FP points to pay for overpriced stuff in the shop. If they completely removed the forzathons and gave us another way to earn FP points (seasonal championship, PR stunts or even just more daily challenges) this would be a better game.


For some, fun is as you described, for others it is to do Forzathon as fast as possible. Everyone finds a way to have fun. What’s wrong with that? Little incentive wouldn’t break fun. That said, if someone loads their pants because they didn’t get 5 extra points (as suggested) then they have bigger problems that they should deal with. Don’t like minmaxing? Don’t engage in that segment, nobody forces you. If someone else goes hard on meta, doesn’t mean you have to, let 'em fly away!

I have revolutionary suggestion to you, dude, it is possible to lock-in vehicles and block fast travel, when person is committed to Forzathon.

Radical! Right? /s

Also, what’s up with removing signs of losing as much as possible. FH4 campaign is filled with that, now this? State of defeat was always part of games - board, physical, computer, whatever, but for some reason people like Vap seems to be concerned with others getting “salty” because of losing.

Anyway, lack of competitive mechanics in Forzathon is not that big of a deal. What’s sad is these lazy [use your imagination] that wait for others to finish the job. These are annoying. These should be somewhat punished for leeching.

It does imply that. An implication based on myself and my friends always heading to them because we have fun at staging and fun at the event with cars we find fun and would not use otherwize.

My example was irrespective of that. It pointed out how it would take more time to complete all three events, if at all while making it more of a negative experience just so one person can profit.

If the issue is want to grind less, then complain about shop prices vs making it worse for everybody so metagamer can be lazy

Edit: And there is another way. Weekly challenges. Or racing. You can race, for credits, then buy in auction house. Unless you want the clothes?

That is a joke right? If the exclusive cars show up on the auction house they are listed for 20,000,000cr and sell within a minute, I don’t have 20M to spend on a car and even if I did getting 20M or 40M a week isn’t feasible. As it stands now for the weekly challenges you earn 200fp points, you get an additional 60fp points for completing 7 daileys and 1 weekly, and you get 20fp per daily. So if you don’t do the Forzathon events you can earn a maximum of 400fp a week. Using this week as an example if you were to buy both cars you would need 1250fp (more than triple what you can actually earn in a week without doing Forzathon) To make up the difference you would need to do 15 Forzathon events. Not that it matters because I already have both of the cars in the shop this week, but at 60fp points a pop the Forzathon events are not worth the time they take away from actual game play.

I thought they should add a little forzathon leader board under the time remaining that shows who has the best score and in what car each round. Might at least get some people downloading tunes from players in their lobbies.

inb4wishlistandban * ( & * >


Like said, it isnt incentive, but the results of people trying to achieve it. You would have people like myself who try to complete, but then a bunch trying to top score. With a leaderboard, it now becomes pvp as people start leeching to get that top score. Top score means not contributing anymore since time spent increases exponentially to the return on your pass. Competitiveness? We do that without leaderboard. Always a few of us racing eachother for cycle, to next point, etc. It is friendly competition. As soon as you make it competitive in any way, it now is a pvp system vs a pure pve group event.

So my ask is what return is their in gameplay value. The OP is requesting that they get their FE stuff easier. It isnt Forza staff or rest of players problem if you dont enjoy it. Stockpile FP until is something you want. I dont like drift events or the online ranked, but see me demanding that I should get those rewards easier via some secondary bonus so I dont have to do it as much?

It is asking to be treated special over majority of other players just for greed. Everybody has to do the same stuff to get those points. Not fun? Well, make it fun.

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Right, because who wants competitiveness in a racing game?

And no, I absolutely did not request that I “get my FE stuff easier”… I said it’s odd that everyone gets the same amount, regardless of how much of the work they do. I was in a Live event just two days ago where me and 1 other managed to get us through round 2, while 4 others just parked and waited to drive to the next round.

Nor is anyone asking for “special treatment”… if you go do a job with 9 other people and 5 of them do basically nothing, do they deserve as much compensation as you? Absolutely not. That only happens with Government jobs.

If the person who posted the highest speed through a speed zone got an additional 5-10 points, or the most productive person through all 3 rounds gets an extra 20, is that really all that crazy? I don’t think so.

You could even forget extra points, since that seems to bother you so much, and drop people from the event when they aren’t doing anything. That sounds more difficult, to me, as people would likely find a way around that.

First, I know more than well how it feels to be doing a major contribution to a zone while others are just sitting at a line. Heck, yesterday had a skill zone where I put down 1.1m points to the bar on my own even though we had five people showing for the forzathon.

People want competitiveness, and others do not. All of the non PVP co-op play is set up without any sort of bias towards any other member of the team.

Maybe it has to do with seeing the best in people vs seeing the worst. Me? I tend to always look at how people will abuse said systems and negatively impact others. By having a reward advantage, it has a balance of what positivity does it give to the event vs the negatives?

Now if you are an optimist? Well it benefits everybody. All people will compete to get the job done and to get it done faster! Fun and good times!

However, I view it differently. The only person who will cheer is that one who got the reward. The others all going to be most contributive? Well you have just made a casual non competitive group experience a competitive one. So now people who do not want to do competitive play stop coming because they missed out. So as soon as you have more than one person in that group who is actually wanting that most contribution award, you have now negated any positive moodlet that can come out of it.

It wont incentive the people who just sit around and stare or bring a D100 car. I mean… they brought a D100 and are turning in circles honking a horn or AFK, clearly they do not care about the results. They are probably AFK or watching something and just want the free handout while they eat dinner or something. It would have to be one heck of a bonus to get them to actually aim for it. But now we have a bigger bonus, and that means any negative moodlet is even worse.

That was just for the highest contribution bonus.

Now lets not have that. Lets make it a leader board. The only place this could benefit is the skill zone… but then it also is just the biggest contribution. If it is the single highest skill bonus, then you will have players taking more risk to get that ultimate and not add anything until the board is almost filled or they have enough to fill it from its current location. They will metagame to ensure they have the maximum bonus possible. Now we have what… 3? 4? More people all aiming for biggest score, but only one will get the drop into the scoreboard. Everybody else contributed nothing in the end.

Every other zone though, drift, speed, jump and all them? Once you toss in a reward for a max bonus, it will make the event take longer. A maximum top speed runs into the speed traps is wasted time for the event. There comes a point in which time spent for the acceleration and deceleration for a differential in speed is more than the time taken to stop and turn around. If you are pulling in your highest gear at a speed trap, jump etc then you are reducing your own contribution. Drift zones are similar. There comes a point where drifting in an area for an extra bit of points on the single run reduces your points per minutes overall.

It is the nature of a competitive attitude. Competition causes adrenaline and aggression. It means higher high when you win and a lower low when you lose. The results of these changes is pretty much dependent on how you view a gaming community and other people. Though I am pretty confident it will end up like above if they added the individual bonus points. It will make harder and take longer on the competitive people, and the more competitive, the faster they will get frustrated and the more negative the moodlet instead of the semi casual experience it is.

Edit: But along lines of your idea, perhaps a bonus based on time completed and number of persons present? Combine in a mechanic to verify regular active play vs score once and afk. Keep the reward global for the group, but perks to the extra success overall.


I’d be happy if leaderboard screen would pop up at the end and list everyone’s stats for each round. It would give more incentive to try to top the board and would shame the guys who don’t even try.

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I regularly sit out any drift component of an event as just don’t like drifting \ zones.

Everything else though I have at it and regularly finish the event with ~10mins left.

Might just be you’re seeing similar.

Have seen when you’re a wee bit late to an event you get stuck with the other 3 latecomers making it hard to complete (Can see another 10-15) on the mini-map slightly ahead on tasks in the event. I tend to quit out of these and go do something else.

I got stuck in one of those 3 man Forzathons this morning. We made it to round 3 with about 5 minutes left and barely managed to put a dent in the drift score needed. It was still fun and managed 40 FP. I prefer the 30 man Forzathons that are done before the 10 minute warning. I’ve never noticed enough people sitting out to really effect the outcome much.


The people who sit out the drifts do the most damage and are annoying beyond belief. The drift zones are typically the most time intensive and with fewer people trying / helping, the live event often ends with a 40pt payout.

I used to suck at drifting, but used the live events to actually hone my skill at it. Guess what? Now I can drift fairly well. As much as the live events are grinds, they are a great place to earn points while practicing / learning tricky bits of race routes.

Do us all a favor and join in. Please.


What a headache. I guess, you can see worst in the people, and that’s probably the best thing to do in such situations. My another suggestion would be to not look at scalar values, but to ratios. For examples, there are 10 players (just because it’s round number) in Forzathon, which means that everyone should do about 10% of the work per task to get 20FTP. Now, I understand that not everyone is that good at the game to keep up, so let’s say that “floor” for receiving 20FTP is 5% – everything below that = 0FTP. For overachiever, to get extra 5FTP per task would need to exceed 14% ceiling.

That would result in:

  • 0FTP for lazy;
  • 60FTP for equally matched and people who lag behind a little bit;
  • 75FTP for inhuman players or those who work extra to compensate leeches (of course this “system” could work without this category, too, if competitive might cause sabotages or whatnot).

Also, as said before, LB would be awesome, even for vanity (or keeping score, comparing with previous attempts).

Hrm… That could be fun. Percentage based minimum contributions would be fun. It would take a bit of work to consider exceptions, such as when large player groups, particularily for first event speed zones and traps that can finish first run. Just a flat milestone bonus, perhaps adaptive so multiple players can achieve, something like that might benefit from if they can track statistically for the event a standard deviation. Essentially so a strong team that all does well can benefit from the bonus, or if one carry, they get it.

Leaderboard could be fun too, but perhaps opt in. So those that want to see can, vs others who also have it enabled. Not enabled is not shown.

That could be expanded on. Some points go into a pool or similar that will divvy it up by placement? So a person gives say two points into the pool per event? If that would be allowed. Is almost like gambling.

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