Forza Support Unresponsive

I have contacted forza support via their ticket feature 5 times over the past week and they havent responded to any of them. Does anyone have any recommendations as to what i can do?

Forza Support Unresponsive

Water is wet

I like it when they email to ask my opinion on the support I received but when I click the link it tells me I can’t comment because the ticket has been closed.

Playground: “We haven’t received a single negative comment on our support.”
Microsoft: “Outstanding, keep up the great work.”
Players: “What the actual heck?”


They’re quite fond of this copy pasta message >>


Thanks for taking the time to share your thoughts with us, we really appreciate it! This ticket will be marked as “Solved” as we have forwarded this feedback along to the appropriate teams for review.

We’re always looking for suggestions and feedback from the community, so if you have any further ideas to improve your experience across the Forza titles, please don’t hesitate to let us know!


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Some of my stats recently got reset to 0 (I still had all my money and my cars), and support told me to completely nuke my account and start from scratch, haha. So maybe no response is better :stuck_out_tongue:

You ever seen the video/GIF of the shredder under the printer, where the paper falls out of the printer directly into the shredder? I think that’s the perfect representation of most support tickets. A few months after FH3 released, I sent in one about the center spotlights on the Opel Manta not coming on (even though they come on in FM6 and I believe FM7). To this day I’ve yet to see even one of the four center lights come on in both FH3 and FH4. May as well assume any support tickets, regardless of focus, will be ineffective/unread.

Tickets are answered in the order received and may have been affected by the holiday weekend. All you can do is wait.

Telling people that Support isn’t helpful isn’t accurate nor is it helpful to the community.

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