This is the second time I write here in the Forum and, like the first one, unfortunately, is not to compliment something inside Forza Motorsport.
Guys, what happened to the game?
Why are so many top players coming out, giving up and looking for other alternatives?
Have you ever wondered the relevant differences that could really appeal to both old and new players? I am not talking about aesthetic issues like the implementation of clothing for pilots (Driver Gear) or bagdes. Talk about the gameplay. What do you really have new?
In practice, there is nothing and the worst:
- The game has never been fluid since its release. Several crashes still persist and compromise the gameplay and also the patience of all;
- absence of rivals of homologated divisions;
- absence of a punishment system;
- very short times between one race and another inside the lobby that makes it very difficult to choose the car or the ideal tuning for the next race;
- collision system worsening;
- lack of a system where you select the pilots by skill (League mode is flawed in this sense).
Every game needs evolution to stay alive and there is simply nothing really different.
There is not fluidity when we need to get a painting, tuning or even start the next race in multiplayer modes. By the way, the multiplayer lobbies are a joke.
We need to get rid of the class model (this does not make sense anymore and is outdated). I am part of a team, play Forza practically every day and I do not know anyone who speaks well of the classes in relation to the homologated divisions. We have to invest in these divisions so that we can have the possibility to use most of these more than 700 cars that the game offers. There is nothing more frustrating than getting into a lobby and having to choose only 1 or 2 cars to be competitive.
We need to have division rivals with the proper ghost. The same goes for the ghost in Free Play. Why it appears only when we beat our own time? What is the difficulty in being released to use as we would like?
After the last update, the collision system worsened and became more arcade (much like the Horizon). It is necessary to find a middle ground between what was before and the current one. The proposal of Motorsport is different, more focused on the simulation and everything that is done needs to meet this proposal. We can not mix things up.
We need to categorize the pilots within the game. That would be the greatest possible evolution (along with a punishment system)!
As a suggestion, there should be some kind of competing rival before starting the first race in multiplayer mode. After the players set their best time, they would confirm it and automatically be included within their level. You could select 2,000 players per level (needs to check this number to be real).
If someone had trouble finding players for their level when they start the multiplayer, they would deactivate some option, allowing a global search where all the players who opted for the same choice would be included.
In short, there are several things to modify and mostly improve. Some are part of a natural evolution of the game and others are urgent things that must be solved as quickly as possible.
Avoid people being discouraged from Forza. It’s an excellent and well-known franchise, but the problems are driving away players who really want something more and keeping those who just want to make confusions and disrupt the races.
Pay attention before it’s irreversible!