Forza Motorsport or Competitive Racing

Very interesting video. If we can just build on Forza 4, this would be a huge success.

I don’t disagree with much of what he says, but let’s be honest, he’s not really making any points that haven’t already been brought up countless times by other players. I mean, one could do a quick search through this forum for what’s wrong with the game, and just narrate that for 10 minutes while some generic gameplay footage rolls in the background, and you’d essentially have the same end result.



Devon’s taken a step away from Forza and with this video essentially came back to see if there’s been any significant improvements since he dropped it.

There hasn’t.

It’s 6 years too late for that, for this game. The things that define core featured of a game are often decided during pre-production (which takes places years before release), not live service.

If a hypothetical Forza Motorsport 2 were to come, I would hope Turn 10 take a look at its legacy more and build something that is more appealing, but with the way the industry works I wouldn’t be surprised if 90% of the people that worked in the Xbox 360 era are no longer at the studio, and that institutional knowledge is gone.

I would not expect Forza Motorsport to change much (if at all) from hw it is today, other than cars and tracks being added over the coming year. Turn 10’s latest community letter states as much, and we’ll need to wait till the middle of the year for another letter.