Hello , my name is Dmitriy (yeah, I’m from Russia). You know that rain graphics has a lot of issues ,which makes game bad,i have a petition of 25 000 people, for you, Turn 10, yeah 25 000 people, make rain effects more beautiful,correct the way of moving of rain drop’s. While playing rain falls like atomic bombs. there is no singular moving of rain drop such as attached photo. Up the resolution of rain drops while plaing firs person camera mode. For example in other racing sims (will not make an example , because you know this games very well) rain drops has their self AI. Make the game better and “whipe noses” to other games. Me and other 25 000 gamers will apreciate your correction of graphics. Dont be frightened by its so serious step of patch. Many games do it, that do it and you. We have beautiful physics,gameplay, but we don’t have graphics in rain (optionaly we dont have grass on tracs,its in whis list too of gamers,i think not only russians.)Neadable rain effects. Make it , pleeeeeeease. Contact me please on majo366@hotmail.com