Leagues are a separate group of multiplayer hoppers designed for competitive ranking and payouts. Each league typically runs for seven days and is open during specific windows each day. Players are assigned to one of five divisions for each league, earn points for each race, and receive credit payouts for their rank on the division leaderboard when the league ends.
If you have never played Leagues before, FM6 uses your regular multiplayer Hopper TrueSkill to place you in a starting division. Once your TrueSkill in Leagues is verifed, it switches to using the TrueSkill for Leagues exclusively from there on out (unaffected by Career and regular Hopper performance). The more you win, the more your TrueSkill increases, the more you are at the back of the pack the more it decreases. Leaderboard finish position has no impact to the Division you are assigned. TrueSkill score is not visible to players.
Scoring and Leaderboards
Points for each race = (your finish position, inverted) + (bonus points for any players you finish in front of that have a higher skill rating for you). At a minimum you will receive 100 points for finishing each race if you come in last. Players who start a race but quit or disconnect mid-race do not earn points and are not counted as beaten opponents. League leaderboards are ordered by point totals which accumulate from all your played sessions during the week. Players will receive a gift message for credits awarded based on their final leaderboard ranking when the league ends.
Event Restrictions
In the main Leagues menu, press X on a league’s summary to see the restrictions (car class, car division, drivetrain, power, etc). Once in a league lobby you can also see Game Options. Unless otherwise specified, Leagues use Damage=Cosmetic, Collisions=On, Tuning=Allowed, Upgrades=Allowed to the maximum of the specific class restriction. A league named Ghosts indicates that Collisions are Off and player cars pass through each other. Players can set their own assists (TCS etc) by selecting their own gamertag in the lobby list and opening the Assists menu. Tuning files can be loaded from the lobby but settings can’t be changed in the league lobby.
Car availability / How do I know which cars are eligible for a League restricted by Division?
See car spreadsheets at www.ManteoMax.com and www.KudosPrime.com or this thread for lists of cars by Division. Prior to entering a League menu you can also set a division in Free Play with no other restrictions and see the cars that match. Note that Career mode allows some cars of one division to also race in events of another division but they will not be available for more than one division in multiplayer. If a league is open you can enter it and select Rent or Buy Car to see eligible cars. However, cars must be currently configured to meet the lobby restriction for them to appear as available choices. The Rental and Buy Cars menus may show no available choices if the event restrictions eliminate otherwise eligible cars (such as “Car Class must be ” which is higher than the stock class of cars in a specified Division). Rental cars do not earn XP or credits from racing.
The official announcement gave this overview prior to game launch: