Forza Horizon 4 NEEDS some kind of penalty system

Hi there,

i know that Forza is not an racing simulation, but for the ranked online races they have to implant some kind of penalty system from my perspective. It´s ridiculous that drivers could bomb you out of the race before a curve and get away with it without any penalty.

Any form of contact, except in the cross country races, should cause different time penaltys. In cross country races is enough space to compensate unfair idiots.


Its not fair that has penalty sometimes u push people other cars by accident

They could implement a system so that if you initiate contact and keep contact for a certain amount of time, for example 1 s., then you’ll be punished. Also there could be an invisible counter, if you initiate contact more than a certain number of times per adventure, you’ll be punished. That way most accidental contact wont be affected.

This game isn’t going to get a penalty system, it’s not that kind of racing game.

In rivals it has “penalty” system (on collisions your time marked)
in ranked adventures it should be too!!!

If devs do it to ranked i’ll play only in ranked
Main reason I play only simple unranked because people less aggressive in this mode

i don’t see a penalty system coming to fh4 or that it’d be even effective. what they could have done and should do is implement ways to avoid griefers by:

  • having either break away walls or walls that seriously slow you down.
  • or, having walls with tires in them so they can’t slide along the wall full speed (as some fh3 offroad tracks had)
  • offering a no collision mode as fh3 had
  • ghosting lapped cars
  • ghosting cars longer that go off track only to come back on track without regard for others at much lower than race speed

as far as corner bombers, who knows, but maybe a system that uses the braking line where if someone is flying into the corner without braking in the red then they ghost or get slowed? not sure if that’d work or not.

There is but one vital solution to these issues: collision-less racing.

As far as ranked adventure goes, the competition is there for a reason. People are there to win. However with the case so often being not-to-fair competition, I just started doing the same as everyone else. I ride the heck out of walls all the way through. Everyone does it for a reason, so why should I try to be nice and let people pass or try to go around them?

If (racing) Team Adventure were collision-less, finishing position wouldn’t be affected by other players ramming, blocking, etc. It would all be based on skill. No one would have to bare the constant anxiety of being in first place coming into a corner and wondering when you’re going to get hit. Removing collisions entirely is the only thing that needs to be done to fix that.

Now, mind you, I say that only for racing team adventure, not for games team adventure. Games team adventure provides nothing other than… well, games. In CTF, infected, and other games there is more strategy involved rather than skill. Thus, it only needs to be there for racing adventures. :slight_smile:

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If they did that to ranked I would never, ever play ranked again.

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If you’re really into racing with penalties, Forza Motorsport 7 are adding race regulations soon. I can’t see a system like this being added to Forza Horizon, though.