So I’ve have yet to see anyone talking about a Map Expansion for Horizon 3 and thought I would start up some discussion on what you would like to see for a map expansion IF we happen to get one for this game. I know it may be a bit “too early” to start talking about such things, but I’m sure the boys at T10/PG are already thinking about, if not working, on this kind of expansion.
Personally I think the next map expansion should be set in Japan. I think it would offer a great variety for different styles of racing and cater to low HP/Tight technical racing style of gameplay. With a map as big as Australia I would imagine much of the map will be open and “big” so to counter such a large map, something small I think would complement the game very well. I was thinking it could feature a ton of Mountain passes. (three lane, two lane and single lane.) it could feature a downtown area with parking structure and other cool things for cruises and car showoff type things. Surrounding the downtown area could be the famous Kanjo or a Kanjo inspired elevated “freeway” or expressway as they call it. You could even take it a step further and add in Mountain trails that “rival” the touges and could get them so that an “A” class race car and “A” class trophy truck could get up the mountain (and back down) in similar times. Making for some fun and exciting racing that isn’t limited to just being in the type of car.
Now the main reason I think Japan would be perfect is because Horizon 3 is set in part of the world where they drive on the wrong side, so why not keep that common theme between the entire game and have the map expansion be the same. It would also be cool (IMO) if they themed this expansion around Police Vs Racers, as the Japanese police have been cracking down on the illegal street racing that happens over there. We now have horns in Horizon and since we now have a horn button, we also have a button for police siren and lights. You could add in some new street cars that are famous for street racing over there, and even add in some killer Japanese spec police cars and maybe police cars from all over the world (Australian, UK, USA, German, etc.) to use in all of Horizon 3. (or maybe add in a customization option to add Police Lightbars/generic pushbar to the already existing cars in game) You could also cater games like “capture the flag” or “tag” to the Police theme. Capture the flag would become a game where racers have to pick up items and deliver them and the police have to stop them. Same with tag only the racers are running and the cops have to corner/immobilize the racers for either set time (say 5 seconds.) or have sim damage on and you have to spin them out and crash them.
So lets here your idea’s for a Map Expansion for Horizon 3
My guess would be that if there is to be an expansion then it would already be well and truly past the early speculation phase and probably close to completion by now which makes a wishlist of this sort idle fancy.
Nevertheless, I’d say Tasmania would be the most likely site.
Japan wouldn’t make much sense for this game. I would however love to See it be an entire game in 4!
I don’t know what expansion I want considering there’s no full bloody map yet…
I want snow. Gimme snow like the rainy happ expansion of 2. I want to race down a giant mountain like skiing with a car, snow everywhere can’t even see properly lol
Seriously… snow expansion, no idea what and where though. My brains locked in on snow
If we get a map expansion the most realistic place would be either Tasmania or New Zealand as mentioned above.
I really doubt we’d get a Japan expansion, the developers would most likely stick to Oceania since that’s obviously where the base map is located.
There’s also a chance that we get a map expansion that doesn’t exist in real life like we did with Storm Island in Forza Horizon 2. So who knows? Maybe we get something like “Paradise Island”.
I agree its unlikely to get anywhere that isn’t “near by” but this is a wish list afterall. It doesn’t really need to make sense. Besides, we can start planting the seeds in T10/PG head of where we would like to see Horizon 4.
I agree, I would love a snow expansion its about the only weather pattern missing from Forza.
Is this where you want it set or where you believe it will be set?
A big city DLC would be A-Okay with me!
Is there any new style of vehicles that you guys would like to see added? Any features you would want included with this expansion? I don’t want to turn this into a “car wish list” thread but obviously vehicles are an important part of the expansion.
I would guess Japan would be the next Horizon game, so I doubt that. Also there really is no gurantee of them expanding the map at all; hopefully if they did they would keep the map expansion…drum roll…on the map and not just an icon that the game community forgets to play anymore (I’m talking about you, Storm Island).
In all seriousness, out of sight out of mind completely applies to map expansions, even die hard Horizon players forget it exists; seriously try joining a Storm Island lobby good luck finding a group to play with.
I agree with those who said that it’s a little late now for such a wish list because it’s probably well underway. But since the topic is out here now, I may as well throw in my 2 cents. I don’t really care about “where” it is as long as it’s a map expansion with more terrain to enjoy. Since they’re already taking liberties by piecing together their own Australia, I think it would be great if the expansion was added in a way that they just open one of the map borders and let us drive to it. I didn’t like they way we had to fast travel to get to Storm Island. Sure, I liked the change of environment once I was there, but how cool would it be if there were a bunch of previously-inaccessible / barricaded mountain roads on one edge of the map that now opened up to a whole new area? After all, this is a game of DRIVING, not TELEPORTING.