Forest for the trees

Please watch out for the sudden appearance of unbreakable trees on the circuits. There is one that has popped up overnight in Ek’Balam right on the racing line:


coudn’t believe it and checked it

and yeah lol, AI is piling up at this tree bigtime…

Im curious how long does it takes to fix it if they ever fix it

hopfully someone write a ticket about this… :wink:

I did put a ticket in… with photos of that tree and several destructable ones too.

“We don’t have any follow-up questions or steps for you to try, so we are marking this ticket as “Solved” and will post an update to the support page and Twitter (@Forza_Support) when we have more information.”

Marked. As. Solved.

But not added to the public “Known faults” list. Yet. Maybe.


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My Solved bug from FH4 is still in FH5.

Ah, c’mon guys - PG are doing their best to combat global warming and rising co2 levels by going carbon neutral and planting trees to offset the pollution caused in the game… :crazy_face:


Is that the 3rd turn, the one directly before the ramp over the course?

If so then there’s always been a large tree there I think, maybe the AI has suddenly got more stupid instead?

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It wasn’t there before, at least not during the race. There’s a big reddit thread about it. Someone set a rivals time before the update and when they went back after, their ghost was driving right through it.


I did a drift zone also with a new tree inside it for the seasonal.

It would be a really challenging obstacle if it wasnt for the fact that the AI is not even programmed to avoid it… lmao.

Jumped in my Jeep Grand Cherokee to give this a go on Highly Skilled. Hysterical to watch 10/11 AI piled up in a line. The first one actually went around it. Wasn’t too hard to avoid if you knew even when I wasn’t sure exactly what part of the course it was on.

The cars could avoid trees with a simple distance routine. I suppose it would slow the game down a bit.

Someone let Bob Ross loose in Event Lab, eh? :joy:


The devs need to get rid of that tree in Ek’ Balam. It’s easy enough to avoid if you are aware that it is there but the AI almost always hit it. While I like winning, I want it to be a fair race. But when the AI cannot deviate from the race line the win feels cheapened. In my last Trial there were just two if us in the final race. But because of the tree I was able to stop at the final turn, turn around and reverse across the finish line with plenty of time to spare.

Anything that slows down the Ai is fine by me.

A second ago I just finished another Trial. A guy in a Bentley couldn’t even finish the first two races. But he was able to beat all of the AI except for one in Ek’Balam. It’s a hollow victory when someone who cannot drive can beat almost all of the AI on Unbeatable.

It’s nice when they aren’t driving like they are perfect, but Ek’Balam CC Circuit is just a joke right now.

I like it. In my head it’s where that tree from Trial Mountain went. :slight_smile: Forza stole it.

The AI just needs to git gud. :wink: Poor things must have forgotten how to telaport.

I actually don’t car about the tree being in the race area, but having it on the actual racing line is what I don’t like. A few feet to the right or 10 feet to the left and it provides a nice obstacle that you have to avoid and can also ruin the AI’s game if you knock them into it.

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Hopefully they can code the ai to avoid it better. :+1:

I think they should leave it as it is, provides a bit of entertainment.