I’ve one problem, in both of my FH3 and FH4 games, there is a bug where at least 1 of the boards I’m missing to crash into aren’t simply there! aún their place there is a tree or something. I’ve checked in YouTube and guides and the boards where supposed to be right where I was… it’s like they are under the map or something. Finally because I can’t crash into them I can’t get the award of breaking into all the billboards in both of my games
Does anybody know how to fix it?
In both games they are under ground in the train tunnels
If you had checked YouTube and guides you would have seen and known this
They are supposed to be on the ground, like for example in the woods besides a tree or a plain. They simply don’t appear
have a read of what i posted
See the post above. There’s several boards in tunnels.
See the post above. There’s several boards in tunnels.
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^^^^ This. Drive to where the board is on the map then pootle around there and you will find a tunnel or bridge it will be under there.