Seems that the floating trees virus from TDU hit Horizon 2


nah man I just ran into it going 200 mph and cut through it like butter!

JK, nice picture though!

Good. Now people that wanted a game like TDU2 got one :stuck_out_tongue:

But the question is…

… can I get a haircut yet? :stuck_out_tongue:

I found a couple on a mountain, but I’m pretty sure I wasn’t supposed to be there.

Are you underneath of it, and in front of it? I saw one floating in a race on the last minute and got beat up by the invisi-wall beneath it.

Hehe, trees, so honestly the one thing in this game that is causing me more grief than anything else is me running into freakin’ trees. It stopped being funny somewhere on launch day and I sure hope there is a stat counter showing how many trees you’ve hit because I’m sure I’m well into the thousands.